Chapter 37

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3weeks later...


Sevyn and Kamaro were out shopping for nothing in particular when she started feeling pain in her lower back and stomach it felt like her baby was falling out of her. She sat down on the bench nearby and water came running down her legs she screamed "Kam omg I think this lil boy tryna come out" she said leaning over in pain

"What you can't keep up Big Momma" Kam asked when he seen he had walked up further than her and she was sitting down on the bench

"Omg did you just pee yourself Sevyn you too old for that" Kamaro walked over to her and asked with a serious face

"No I think I'm in labor" she started crying holding her belly

Kamaro panicked he went to get the car and helped her in and started speeding to the hospital. Sevyn kept taking deep breaths she pulled out her phone to call Amari

Calling Amari....

He answered on the 3rd ring

"Sup Mommy" he said yawning into the phone

"I think he's coming now" she cried into the phone

"Whea' you at Mamas" he panicked jumping out of his bed looking for a sweat suit to throw on

"On my way to the hospital it hurts I can't do this Amari, I don't wanna do this" she cried louder

"You could do it baby you have to, I'm on my way" he coaxed her while putting his shoes on

"Stay on the phone wit me I'm on my way" he said hearing nothing but her crying and Kamaro squealing and panicking in the background

They both got to the hospital at the same time. The nursing staff took Sevyn straight back Amari called Saint and Ariana to tell them their grandbaby was coming now. Kamaro called the girls and told them to bring Sevyn's hospital bag because the baby was on the way.

The doctor checked Sevyn she was 9 centimeters dilated their baby boy was not playing he wanted out he was 4days early. Amari was holding her hand he knew she was in pain because everything was happening so fast she couldn't even get the epidural.

Apparently she was in active labor the night before and didn't know it she just thought she was having gas from the hot wings and taco salad she ate. Amari kissed her forehead and moved her hair behind her ear "I love you Sevyn you got this Mommy"

"No no no I can't do this Mari I want a C-section" she screamed

"It's too late for that sweetheart it's almost time to push" Doctor Chary looked at her

Right when she said that Sevyn vomited all over Amari "Yup she's ready" Dr Chary said

Amari turned his nose up at the vomit all over him but didn't say a word about it he knew better at the moment. The nurses and Dr Chary checked Sevyn again and she was indeed ready to push. "Okay Mommy give me a big push"

Sevyn pushed and screamed "I can't do this". The nurse said "You could do it sweetheart two more big pushes for us" She pushed again and stopped

"Nah I'm done he could just stay in there Idc" She cried shaking her head. Sevyn felt everything literally

Amari's eyes grew wide once he seen the top of his son's head "I could see his head, you better push my damn son out girl" he said in excitement. Sevyn let out one more big push and the baby came out screaming and crying. The nurses took the baby and cleaned him up got his measurements then handed him to Amari because Sevyn was out of it.

Amari watched everything in amazement they handed him his son and he was so in love, he counted all his fingers and toes kissed his nose while walking around the room. Sevyn was passed out her body had been through enough Mari didn't even try to wake her up partly because he wanted to keep holding the baby.

Sincere Amir Smith was born 7pounds 6oz and 21inches head full of curly hair....

Wow Amari and Sevyn really got a son now !!

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