Chapter 69

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3days later...

Sevyn rolled over for the 3rd morning in a row not feeling Amari's body in bed next to her he hadn't been coming home at all. She sat up looked at the clock it read 7:45am she rolled out of bed completed her hygiene and got dressed, when she was done she checked her phone no nothing from him she called Amari's phone but he still had her blocked

"This is crazy" she spoke out loud to herself looking in the mirror at her puffy eyes, she did something she never had to do she called Grim he answered on the second ring "Wassup Big head" he yawned into the phone "Hey has Amari been over there" she asked "nah, but I just spoke to him you good?" he asked her "Yea I'm good, sorry to wake you this early" she hung up before he could ask any more questions. Sevyn woke Sincere up gave him a bath, fed him packed some of his favorite toys and left the house she was tired of waiting around for Amari to come home.

Amari stretched out in his old bed at his Nonny's house for the 3rd morning in a row, the vibration from his phone woke him up "Yo" he spoke into the phone "Nigga whea' you at why Sevyn just called askin' have I seen you" Grim asked "she called you lookin' for me" he asked scrunching up his face at the phone "yea call her or sum bro" he told Amari "iight" he said hanging up because Marie walked up to his bedroom door

"Boogie I love you but when you goin' home, you need to work whatever it is out with Sevyn" Marie stood in the doorway he sat up on the edge of the bed "Ion know Nonny" he shrugged getting up to shower "Don't you miss them" she asked looking at him "Yea, but I'm not tryna be around Sevyn right now" he shrugged "go home work the problem out, you about to be married you can't runaway every time it gets rough baby" she kissed his cheek then slapped it "I hear you lady" he swatted her hands smiling

Amari listened to his Nonny he realized he wasn't being fair plus he missed his family so he was on his way home. He unlocked the front door walked in turned the lights on "Sevyn!" He yelled through the apartment but no answer. He went to Sincere's bedroom opened the door he wasn't in there nobody was home. Amari sat on the couch lit a blunt and looked at his phone he thought to himself Sevyn never even called to check on him, then he remembered he blocked her.

Sevyn was lying down on the couch with Sky watching one of her favorites Poetic Justice while eating cheddar popcorn "I just love me some Tupac" Skylar blushed "You and me both" Sevyn laughed and the doorbell rang "I'll get it, probably Aiko with the chicken she wants me to fry" Sky said as she got up to open the door

"Hey Mari" she said to Amari as he walked in "wassup, I know she here what she hiding from me or sum" he said looking at her waiting for a response "Hurry up it's the part at the family reunion" Sevyn yelled out chuckling loudly Amari walked to her voice, the bell rang again this time it was Aiko with the chicken she walked in bags in hand "The Queen is here" Aiko yelled through the house "Girl go to hell please" Skylar laughed snatching the bags

"Can I talk to you" Amari grabbed Sevyn's hands she stood up "okay" she said walking towards her room. Once they got in there she sat on the bed he shut the door "Amari I'm sorry I wasn't out there cheating it was just a messy situation that got out of hand" she paused looking down at her ring "So why you ain't tell me" he looked at her "I was but you didn't give me a chance before you made up your mind I'm guilty" she sighed and he sat on the chair by the bed "So tell me now I'm listening" he said sitting all the way back in his chair she told him about the whole brunch situation not leaving out any details

"That's all that happened you sure?" Amari questioned and she shook her head yes "Well when you was gone I fucked someone else, I hope you can forgive me" he shrugged sitting up in the chair Sevyn felt her heart shatter tears flooded her eyes as she stood up punching Amari "I hate you Amari" she said sobbing he blocked her hits and grabbed her "

"Relax, relax Baby I'm playin'" he chuckled "I was just tryna make you see how I felt" he hugged her calming her down "Don't do that asshole" she pushed him "iight my fault, come home tonight ion like sleeping without you" he kissed her bottom lip because she had it poked out

"Nope not until you tell me where you really been these 3days and who was on the phone the other morning" she folded her arms "Nonny, she called because she needed me to hang some lights so I decided to stay over there to get my mind right" he said pulling her on his lap kissing her lips

Hours later...

Sevyn went home with Amari she was in bed listening to music lowly on the speakers because Amari was tryna put Sin down for bed. He walked in the room "finally that lil nigga sleep" he plopped on the bed and laid between her legs "Don't call my son a lil nigga" she rolled her eyes while she rubbed his back he leaned up grabbed her throat while kissing her, she wrapped her legs around his waist he pulled her shirt off and the doorbell rang "Who the fuck" Amari smacked his lips as he got up to answer the door "Stay just like that, don't move" he said to Sevyn walking out the room

He opened the door it was Saint "Can I come in" she asked looking at him, he moved to the side letting her in to sit on the couch. "How you doin' Saint" Amari asked taking a seat next to her "I'm okay I just came to talk to Sevyn is she here" she asked he started to answer but Sevyn walked in the living room "Baby you coming bac..." Sevyn paused because she seen her mother sitting on the couch they hadn't talk since that night she went to pick up Sincere. Amari stood up walked over to Sevyn kissed her lips "Take ya time I'll be up when you done" he whispered in her ear he turned to her mother "Goodnight Saint" he said to her before going to their bedroom "Goodnight" Saint smiled

Sevyn closed up her robe and sat down "I'm sorry for the other night I was completely out of line" Saint said "it's okay I'm sorry too, I'm over it I know you meant well but honestly I don't wanna be around him ever" Sevyn shrugged "Well that's another reason why I'm here your father was murdered last week" Saint's voice cracked Sevyn didn't have too much emotion because she didn't care to be honest "I wish I could say I care and I'm sad but I'm not" she shrugged part of her was relieved

"His wife told me all the terrible things he did to her daughter, did he do any of that to you is that why you hate him so much?" Saint asked even though she already knew in her heart Sevyn didn't just wake up hating him for no reason she wanted to hear her say it "Mom I'm not talking about this, I have to be up early to meet with David tomorrow" Sevyn said as she stood up so did Saint that was enough of an answer for her, she didn't want to push it "I love you Sevyn, and I'm sorry for everything" Saint said walking to the door "I love you too, let's do dinner tomorrow my treat" Sevyn said opening the door for her "Okay see you then kiss my grandson for me" Saint hugged and kissed her cheek.

She locked the door walked back to the bedroom Amari was knocked out she got in bed closed her eyes, and felt little hands tap her "Mommy I sleep with you" Sincere whispered she pulled the blanket back and he climbed in the bed laying right in the middle he kissed her face snuggled up under her and Amari

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