Chapter 20

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Around 7pm her front doorbell was ringing she was knocked out  her eyes popped open she read the clock on her phone seeing her missed calls

Babe🤸🏾‍♀️💜 16missedcalls

She sighed and peeped out the window seeing something on the porch she opened the door and picked up the stuff bringing it inside

Once inside she looked at the things in her hands it was a dozen long stem purple roses, a purple face buss down Rolex, 3 Chanel bags, and a sorry card with 6 thousand dollars in it

Before she could walk back to her room the doorbell rang again. Sevyn sighed and walked over to answer it

She opened the door and Amari was standing there with a look of regret on his face "Baby I know I'm the last person you wanna see but just listen" he said walking in

She walked back into the kitchen to put the flowers in water "Okay I'm listening"she said in a low voice not even looking at him she couldn't look at him without crying

He stood in front of her seeing her eyes puffy, face bright red with dried tears and bruises on her neck and arms from where he grabbed her "Damn I did that to you" he questioned looking at her

She said nothing just turned her face so she wouldn't start crying again. "Baby I'm so sorry you know I would never hurt you like this ion know what I was thinkin'"

"You hear me Sevyn I love you ion know what came over me" he said with sincerity in his voice

"Say somethin', Say anythin' baby please" he started to panic

She never said a word just busted out crying. Not just any kind of cry a loud sobbing cry he pulled her into him and rubbed her back

"You said you would never hurt me Amari" she sobbed as he held her

"I know I know I'm so sorry Sevyn I lost my cool I wasn't thinkin'" he tried to wipe her tears but more fell

He picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room and laid her on the bed. She was crying hysterically he could tell he really hurt her he just wanted to make her feel good he asked "Can I touch you"

She shook her head without saying a word and Amari took a moment and kissed all her bruises he caused one on each side of her neck, two for both sides of her shoulder where he grabbed her up and a longer passionate kiss to her lips

He kicked off his sneakers and got in bed to hold her until she stopped crying. Once she fell asleep he kissed her forehead and held her tighter he felt so guilty he didn't know if he should tell Sevyn about Tyra pressing him or not

He was afraid if she found out she'd leave him honestly....

Y'all think Amari should tell Sevyn??

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