Chapter 39

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Amari was in the kitchen fixing Sincere's bottle while Dice held him bouncing him up and down. Amari walked back in the living room "Ya'll make me wanna have a lil me" Dice said smiling at Sin. "Yea iight until you get a no good ass Babymama" Grim chuckled loudly making Sin stare at him blankly

"Give me my damn baby" Amari took Sincere positioning him to feed him. Dice started laughing "Nigga you just mad Sevyn out with that nigga, what's his name Nurse Bae" him and Grim doubled over with laughter

"This man the definition of You'll neva get ya bitch back" Dice shook his head still laughing

"Nigga fuck you, I just gotta give her time and space that's all" Amari said more so trying to convince himself

"Ain't you fuckin' with Takala" Grim asked watching Sincere drink his bottle while pulling at his own curls

"Only when I be bored, she be doin too much" Amari burped Sin then kept feeding him

"Yea iight nigga you gon be stuck on Sevyn while she stuck on Nurse Bae dick" Dice said trying not to laugh again

"Y'all niggas get out now, I gotta put my son to bed" Amari said with a attitude now

"iight I'ma get up wit you tomorrow fa real" Grim spoke dapping Amari and little man up

"My bad bro you know I was only fuckin wit you right" Dice spoke dapping them up too

"Yea sayless" Amari said walking them to the door holding Sincere

Once they left he gave Sincere and nice warm bath and washed his hair moisturized his skin. He took out his phone to send Sevyn a picture hoping she would smile

From Me:

Miss you Mommy

From MyWorld❤️🌏:

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From MyWorld❤️🌏:

I miss you papa mommy will be there soon😍😭

Amari smiled and laid down with his son watching tv for the rest of the night in bed


Sevyn had been calling Amari's phone over and over but he didn't answer so she used her old key to enter his apartment. It was dark she kicked off her heels and walked to the sound of the tv in his bedroom

When she walked in the room she paused smiling at the site in front of her. Amari was laid on his back one hand behind his head the other on Sincere's back holding him tight because he was sleep on his chest

She went to kiss Sincere and pick him up and that woke Amari "Sorry I'm so late" she whispered

He let his grip go and let her pick up the baby "that's cool, stay the night sleep in the guess bedroom across from Sin's room" he said sitting up now to use the bathroom

"Nah I don't wanna trouble you" she said rocking a sleep Sincere

"Sevyn come on its 2am I don't want y'all out there this late" he said with a serious face taking out a pair of boxers and a old sports bra for her

"Okay Bossy" she said grabbing the clothes and walking to Sin's room to put him in his crib. She showered and changed her clothes then walked back to Amari's bedroom he was in bed smoking a blunt "Can I lay in here with you" she asked shyly

He pulled the sheets back and patted the bed "Yea I promise I won't touch" he said honestly he just wanted to lay with her. She walked over getting in the bed laying her head on his chest. "You wanna tell me about yo lil date" he inhaled the weed looking down at her face

She shook her head "Not really" she said wrapping her arms around him she missed him honestly. She loved how respectful he was being of her boundaries she set

Yea she had an amazing time with Kelsey and made plans to go out with him again but right now she wanted to be under her son's father.

He put the rest of the blunt out and laid all the way down turning off the tv closing his eyes. "I wanna fuck you Mari" she spoke in a shy voice. His eyes popped open looking at her like she was crazy "Huh Sevyn" he asked with a confused face because they hadn't fucked since the morning Sincere was conceived the day she left him

She didn't say anything else just straddled him pulling up his shirt kissing his tattoos on his chest then his lips. Amari melted he grabbed her neck deepening the kiss his dick was so hard

She rolled over on her back pulling him onto her still kissing him "I want it Amari" she said grabbing his hard dick

He sighed deeply "Ion know Mamas I don't want you regretting shit in the morning" he pushed her hair out her eyes looking into them.

She pulled her pants off and spread her legs "Please don't make me beg" she poked out her bottom lip playfully

He pulled his pants down and rolled over to the nightstand for a condom but she stopped him "I wanna feel you Mari fuck me raw"

Amari couldn't believe Sevyn right now he looked at her in shock "You gonna fuck me before our son wake up or what" she smirked

Amari was shook he couldn't even move so she took his dick and put it in her. He sighed in satisfaction once he was all the way in "fuckkk" he hissed gripping her ass underneath him

It felt better than he remembered he had to pause because he didn't wanna cum too quick. She arched her back up some moaning but not too loud she didn't wanna wake the baby.

He started digging deep in her she started biting his neck leaving marks because she didn't care fuck whoever he was seeing was her thoughts. She pushed her legs further back so he could go deeper and he did "Damnnn Phatz" he moaned putting his hand on her throat slightly choking her while he licked her ear she took his thumb in her mouth and started sucking on it to muffle her moans

Amari started slowing down grinding in her "I wanna come home Sevyn, I want my family" he groaned out in her ear.

She closed her eyes to keep from crying "Idk idk Mari" she moaned out. He didn't push it he just said his peace and continued to please her like she asked they were both about to cum when Sincere woke up crying at the top of his lungs

"Shit" Amari stopped before he could nut threw on his boxer and walked down the hall to get their son.

Sevyn rolled over thinking about what Amari said she closed her eyes and faked sleep so she didn't have to face him in that moment but she knew she would have to.

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