Chapter 31

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"Ya'll really wanna make a pregnant woman cry" Sevyn poked her lip out at her aunts. She was at Sunday dinner at her Grandmother Simone's house.

"Summer leave my damn Daughter alone and give her that damn cake" Saint laughed at her sister

"Here my baby" her Aunt Samara handed her the cake talking to her stomach not even looking at her

"Ya'll aggy" Sevyn snatched the cake taking a bite

"What we're just excited" Summer said shrugging her shoulders

"Where the hell did Sky go" Samara said looking around the room

"Up stairs tryna teach grandma how to twerk" Sevyn double over in laughter holding her belly

They heard Meagan and Cardi B WAP starting to play and they all went up stairs to see Simone make a fool of herself Twerkin with Sky

"Baby what is a WAP" Simone asked Sky

"That's what Sevyn got that's why she pregnant" Sky continued twerkin with a serious face

"Now Skylar" Sevyn laughed shaking her head

"She got a wet ass pussy" Summer raised her brows laughing uncontrollably

"Y'all please stop that shit" Saint said

Simone kept dancing to the music and everybody bursted into a fit of laughter

"Ya'll crazy" Sevyn shook her head

Sevyn stayed a while longer enjoying her family and their jokes and food before she remembered she was stopping by Marie's house. "Love ya'll, Sky I'll be home later" she got up going out the door

She pulled up to Marie's house walked inside and sat on her couch "Whew I'm beat" she said laying all the way down

"Hey babygirl you just got here" Marie asked coming from the kitchen

"Yea here go the ultrasound pictures" she put them on the coffee table

"You hungry Sev" Marie asked

"No Nonny I just came from sunday dinner at my Granny's" she said yawning

"Okay just tryna feed my Boogie number 2" she laughed

"Can I take a nap here" Sevyn kicked off her sneakers. She was wearing a short sleeve pink and blue strip dress that hugged her bump with blue Chanel sneakers and pink Chanel socks

"Anytime baby" Marie smiled

So Sevyn laid down and closed her eyes for a quick nap these days she got tired quick


Amari was on his way to his Nonny's house but stopped to get Armani from his mother's house because he wanted to get out plus she had all her friends over having girl talk

"Sup bro" Armani said getting in the car

"Ain't shit chillin really" Amari blew smoke out his mouth

"Aye my girl want me to hear this song can I put it on" Armani asked his brother

"Yea ion care Mani" Mari shrugged keeping his eyes on the road

Armani hooked up to the Bluetooth and played Ball Greezy Dats My Bae he turned it up to listen curious as to what his girl wanted him to hear

The song played and they both listened Amari thought the song reminded him of Sevyn but he let his little brother rock cause he seemed to be enjoying it

They pulled up to Nonny's house and Amari was hesitant to get out because he saw Sevyn's car but he got out anyway

Mani went in the house first and Marie told him quiet down Sevyn was sleep so he went upstairs to call his girl and tell her he listened to the song

Amari walked in silently hugging Marie and picking up the ultrasound sound pictures. Amari's eyes lit up he was so excited about the baby he couldn't stop smiling

He took the ultrasound pictures to his car before he forgot them then walked back in to kiss his Nonny for getting them for him.

He couldn't help himself he went over to a sleeping Sevyn and touched her belly she didn't move she was in a heavy sleep. She looked so beautiful he was amazed that she was carrying a little him or her.

He got carried away and kissed her belly she moved a little he backed up some. He seen she was about to wake up so he walked out the front door and sat in his car waiting for Armani to come out

Instead of Mani walking out it was Sevyn she yawned and rubbed her belly he thought that was so cute his windows were down she looked up with a shocked expression

"Ooh what's up Amari" she waved awkwardly her whole face was red from embarrassment

He waved at her but said nothing

"Guess the secret is out now" she said pointing to her belly

"Guess so" he said trying not to say too much to scare her off

"It's yours, you know" she said looking at the ground

"I know that was never a question" he said in a soft tone

That moment Armani came running out the house jumping in the car "Hey Babymama" he yelled out the window she laughed and waved

"I guess call me if you want or need anything" Amari said starting his truck and she shook her head getting in her car

They both drove off in different directions...

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