Chapter 59

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Amari and Grim had just put the boys to sleep they walked in the living room where Dice was rolling up so they could finally smoke. Dice's phone rang and it was Jayda he put her on speakerphone so he could continue to roll

"Wassup boo" he said and Jayda blanked on him "Really Demario y'all got us fighting bitches in the club now" she yelled in the phone. "Huh Jay" he scrunched up his face and looked at Amari and Grim they shrugged. "Amari got his low class hood rat ass bitches fuckin up my sis car" she yelled. They all said "What?!" The line went silent. "We just fought some bitch in the club because she acting like she fuckin' Amari" Jayda spat. "Where you at Jay I'm comin' to get you" Dice said taking her off speaker

Amari pulled out his phone to call Sevyn but she didn't answer him. Dice hung up the phone told him the story Jayda told him about the fight and gave the address to where Sevyn's car was parked. "Aye bro please watch Sin for me right quick I'll be back I gotta see what's goin' on" Mari turned to Grim. "iight sayless" Grim shook his head already knowing his bro was in some shit

When Amari and Dice pulled up and seen Sevyn's car he knew he was in trouble "Nigga idk how you gon' get outta this one" Dice shook his head. "This shit is wild as hell" Amari put his head in his hands as he called a tow truck to move the car. They both got back in his car and made the 45minute drive to Sevyn's house. When they got there Dice called Jayda told her he was outside she said she wasn't leaving she was staying the night with the girls. He smacked his lips "Nigga now you got my girl mad at me and I ain't do shit" Dice fussed at Amari

They both got out the car and walked up to the door and rang the bell Kam answered "Oooh you in trouble" Kam said to Amari with a serious face moving out the way. He walked in with Dice behind him they walked in the kitchen where the girls were talking and everybody stopped looking at them rolling their eyes.

"Sevyn you don't see me callin' ya phone" Amari walked over to her seeing blood drip from her nail she broke. She didn't answer him just held the ice pack on her knuckles he grabbed her hand to wipe the blood dripping from her nail "Whea' the fuck is your ring Sevyn" he raised his voice slightly. "Leave me alone get out go to that bitch Takala's house, matter a fact go get my son and bring him to me" she snatched her hand back.

Everybody in the room was silent they never seen the couple actually argue publicly. They all started to clear the room Vaughn told Skylar bring her ass to bed now, Aiko went to the guess bedroom to sleep, Dice dragged Jayda to the car to go home, Kam turned to Sevyn "Call me when you can I'ma give y'all space" he said grabbing his keys to leave she shook her head.

"I want you out now Amari I'm not playing" she opened the front door. "Hell no I ain't goin' no where until you put your ring back on" he mugged her. "Fuck you clearly you don't wanna be a husband if you out here still fuckin' with these hoes behind my back" she yelled and a tear slipped her eye "Just leave please and bring my son in the morning" she said. He walked past her looking for her ring he found it in her bag and slipped it back on her finger "I'ma let you cool down but don't ever take this fuckin ring off again and I ain't fuckin that bitch either so stop with that accusing shit" he said walking out the front door slamming it

Amari felt like shit he couldn't believe Takala did all this it's like it was always something. He pulled up to Takala's house and hopped out banging on her door Vicky answered holding a bag of ice on her head "Tookie ya man here" she yelled moving to the side for him to come in he walked in not saying a word to Vicky. Takala came walking to the door smiling with her arms out for a hug she had a big knot on her head and scratches on her face "I knew you'd come daddy " she said.

He looked at her in disgust and grabbed her by the throat slamming her against the wall "Stop fuckin' playin' with my wife Takala you know I been stopped fuckin wit you" his voice roared through her house. "Amari stop you know you don't love her" she smirked she loved seeing him like this.

"What you slow or sum I'm in love with my WIFE and ain't never leaving her keep playin I'ma kill ya ass fa real" he spoke through clinched teeth. She started crying "Amari I love you why are you doing this to me" he shook his head and loosen his grip "If you love me leave me alone or I'ma have my wife beat yo ass again" he said walking out leaving her to cry

He went back to Grim's house "Bro I could stay here tonight? I don't wanna take Sin home this late in the night" he asked him. "Nigga we family make yaself comfortable" Grim grabbed King's sippy cup and went to lay down it was 4am

Amari laid in the guest bedroom with Sincere and closed his eyes

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