Wedding Day Pt1

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7am wedding morning....

It was early in the morning Sevyn and Amari had fallen asleep on the beach together, neither one of them ever went back to their hotel suite. Amari's eyes popped open when his phone started vibrating nonstop in his pocket, he looked down at Sevyn she was still sleeping with a slight smile on her face he hated that he was gonna have to wake her. After his phone stopped vibrating her phone started ringing he looked at the screen it was his Nonny calling he answered

"Nonny" he yawned into the phone "Boy why the hell do you have Sevyn's phone and where is she" Marie yelled at him and he scrunched up his face "Why I'm getting' yelled at what I do?" he asked "we've been lookin' for ya'll all night, bring ya asses now" Marie's voice roared through the phone before she hung up. He just looked at the phone in shock because he could count on one hand how many times she yelled at him

"Babygirl" he kissed her lips and her eye's fluttered open "Omg Mari you kept me out here all night" she jumped up shaking the sand from the clothes "No you kept me out here now Nonny cursing me out sayin' bring our asses now" he laughed while standing up to pull her into a hug "Don't put that on me" she mugged him

He grabbed her hand and held it as they walked back into the hotel "You really bout to be my wife" he smiled kissing the back of her hand "Yup just me FOREVA, you ready for that" Sevyn smirked looking at him as they stood in the hallway outside his suite

"Get ya fuckin ass over here right now" Ariana said as she grabbed Amari by his shirt collar and Saint grabbed Sevyn's arm "Are you crazy little girl we've been lookin' for y'all all night" Saint said mugging her daughter "But Ma" Amari and Sevyn said in unison looking at their mother's

"I love you Phatz" Amari said trying to kiss her one last time Ariana slapped the back of his head pulling him in the direction of his suite. "I love you too Baby" Sevyn yelled while Saint was pushing her on the elevator

They walked in Sevyn's suite and everyone in there mugged her "What the hell Sevyn why didn't you answer your phone all night" Jayda said folding her arms across her chest "yea ya'll had us worried" Skylar said leaning into Aiko who was standing there half sleep. Kam walked up behind Sevyn "Y'all get off my girl she probably just needed to get her mind right" Kamaro said waving off everybody "Exactly" Sevyn smiled kissing his cheek

There was a knock at the door Aiko answered because she was the closest, it was David with his glam squad and the rest of the bridal party "Good morning beautiful ladies I know Kamaro will be doing the bride, Skylar, Jayda, and Aiko's hair and makeup the rest of you will be in the hands of my glam squad" he waved the crew in to step up their work stations

Amari was in his suite with his groomsmen he was waiting on his barber to get there to line him up. "Nervous" Vaughn asked passing Amari the blunt "Hell nah I'm marrying my best friend today" he said inhaling the smoke

Grim and Dice walked in the room "My boy gettin' married today" Dice said dapping Amari up "Sevyn made that ass put a ring on it" Grim chuckled taking a seat next to Vaughn Amari just sat there smiling he couldn't even deny that fact he was crazy about his soon to be wife.

Ariana walked in the room "Boogie I'm gonna go to the suite with the girls to get my hair and makeup done make sure you keep the phone on" she pointed at him "I got you Ma I'ma be I here gettin' my hair and lineup done" he smirked

"And all this smoking y'all doin' y'all betta not miss a damn step during the ceremony" she said looking at all of the groomsmen "Okayyyyy Ma" they all said in unison making her smile for the first time all morning

Ariana walked out closing the door behind her and David walked up "Is the Groom okay in there" he pointed to the room "Yes my baby is good" she smiled "Good that's what I wanted to hear, is it safe to go in there" David pointed to the door "Try in a little while" Ariana grabbed his hand walking him in the direction of the bridal suite

Few hours later...

"Kam I need a drink or a joint, I need to relax my nerves" Sevyn Sat up in her chair looking at him in the mirror "okay I got you" he said as he put his curling iron down to make her a mimosa she looked in the mirror at herself she was starting to get nervous her hands were shaking. "Here" Kamaro gave her the glass

Mila walked over to Sevyn "Sev thank you again for letting me be apart of you and Amari's big day" Mila hugged her she had only been dating Armani for a year but Sevyn decided to make her a bridesmaid anyway "No, thank you sis" Sevyn smiled

Amari was sitting in the chair getting a line up from his personal barber, while some of the other groomsmen were getting hair cuts too David wheeled a cart in with bows and boxes "Fellas Sevyn wanted to thank you guys for being apart of her very special day" he pointed to the boxes and everyone looked at Amari "What I ain't get y'all shit, y'all better thank my wife" he raised his eyebrows with a smile curious to see what she got them 

The groomsmen each grabbed a box with a note attached that read "Thank you guys for standing up for Amari and I on this special day if y'all his brothers, y'all my brothers too"  they each opened the box to reveal a bust down Cartier Santos watch.

Amari smiled to himself she never said she was doing this for the guys he thought it was funny cause he did something similar for her girls and Kamaro they each got a diamond cross pendant necklace and a pair of diamond studs. Amari's phone started vibrating it was a text from Sevyn

From MyWorld❤️🌏:

You so sneaky, the girls love their gifts 😍

From Me:

No you sneaky lol the guys hype as hell you thought about them with these watches

From MyWorld❤️🌏:

I love you Amari it really feels like I'm marrying my best friend today 💜

From Me:

I love you more Baby you bagged and tagged for life 🙂🔒💜

He put the phone down so he could finish getting ready with the guys. 

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