Chapter 24

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Amari was a wreck he ran back up to his apartment to put on a shirt and some shoes. He grabbed his car keys and ran back out

He kept calling Sevyn over and over but he didn't get through he didn't know what to do he pulled up at her house but didn't see her car so he tried calling her again but nothing

He was so distraught he drove to his Nonny's house. He pulled up and walked in the house tears falling from his eyes he yelled "Nonny! Nonny!"

She came running down the stairs scared something was wrong. Once she seen Amari's face she knew something was terribly wrong she ran to him

"Boogie what's wrong baby" she said wiping his tears he was inconsolable

He cried "She left me Nonny, She's gone" was all he kept repeating as he dropped to the floor

"Who baby what the hell is going on Amari" she asked starting to get scared

"Sevyn left me Nonny she's done wit me, wit us"

Marie picked him up and walked him to the couch and went to the kitchen to get him a water so he could calm down

"Now what happened Boogie" she rubbed his back

"Nonny I messed up one night I was so drunk I cheated on Sevyn" he started to explain everything to his grandmother even the part about him yoking Sevyn up when he was in fact the guilty one

Marie sat there and listened to everything from top to bottom when he was done with his story she slapped the hell out of him

"Amari everything you been through with Sevyn don't you think she deserved better than this huh" she looked at him holding his face

"You over here crying to me like she wronged you, did you stop to think of how she feels right now" she looked at him in disappointment

Marie loved Sevyn she was apart of her family she'd always been around and if her and Amari were going through it she never treated her, Armani, or Ariana any different because she was upset with him

"You need to get ya shit together boy, that's a good woman any man would be blessed to have her" Marie got up to go to her room to call her daughter Ariana

Amari just sat there hanging his head in shame he knew he fucked up big time

Sevyn didn't want to go home she knew that's the first place Amari would go instead she drove to Kamaro's house. She rang the doorbell and stepped back waiting for him to answer.

She heard him yell "Hold on I'm coming" and foot steps walking towards the door he answered 3seconds later

"Bitch what you doin here I thought you was gettin ya back blown out" Kamaro started to joke but stopped once he seen how distraught Sevyn was

He moved to the side and let her in. He just let her cry until she fell asleep in his arms he didn't want to press her for answers

Kamaro figured since she'd be staying the night he'd go and get some things from her house for her. He pulled up and seen Amari sitting outside on her front steps

"Amari wtf is goin' on why is my friend fucked up crying" Kamaro asked with an attitude

"Promise me you'll hear me out Kamaro" Amari spoke lowly

"I'm listening nigga speak and speak fast" Kamaro rolled his eyes arms folded across his chest

Amari told Kamaro every single detail not leaving anything out from the drunk night outside to Tyra pressing him through text and the night him and Sevyn fought and he went to Dice's house

He even showed Kamaro her harassing text messages she would send him daily.

Kamaro was so shook that his favorite couple was breaking up. He always thought they'd be together forever, they made each other so happy

"The best thing you could do is leave her alone for right now Amari she needs space and you coming around won't help" Kamaro spoke honestly  

Amari started crying again "Just tell me whea' my baby at Kamaro I just wanna see her"

"If you really love her Mari get ya shit together and if it's meant to be everything will workout" Kamaro told him walking out to his car leaving

Amari did not want to hear that he just wanted his baby back he'd do anything he thought to himself he pulled out his phone and texted her

From Me:

Sevyn I know you hate me right now and I don't blame you but just know I love you and I'm willing to give you your space. I'ma be here whenever you come around because I can't see my life without you.. I honestly don't wanna be without you I'm so sorry I know you tired of hearing that shit but as a man I'm owning up to shit. Whenever you ready I'm here

He sent the text to her and she never replied just read it

Aww Mari 🤧 💔

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