Chapter 47

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2months later....


Amari was in Sevyn's closet getting dressed to go play basketball with Grim and Dice, he heard her phone ringing nonstop on the nightstand. She was in the bathroom taking a shower so he looked down at the phone to see who was calling and Kelsey's name flashed across the screen he laughed to himself and continued to get dressed.

It was an early Saturday morning Sincere was still sound asleep in his crib he walked over to him kissed his forehead and pulled his blanket up. He sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Sevyn to come out the bathroom he was in a playful mood today and just wanted to annoy her. She walked out dressed in some sweats and a big tee-shirt with her hair in a low ponytail with a scarf on.

She walked in the room walking right past him straight to the closet to put her dirty clothes in the hamper. He sat there smirking "I see ya lil boyfriend keep callin' you" he said trying to annoy her. She walked over to the nightstand and picked up her phone and rolled her eyes "Amari shut tf up" she said with an attitude. Amari already knew what time it was Sevyn was on her period and she was an emotional roller-coaster around this time and he got a kick out of messing with her

"You ain't tell him Daddy's home" he pulled her into him smirking. "Boy please go to hell" she rolled her eyes trying to walk away from him. He laughed and pulled her back into him "I will right after you give me some pussy, actually I'm tryna see sum right quick" he grabbed her ass playing with her because he knew she was still on her period. "Boy move I'm still on my period and I don't feel like being touched" she waved him off. "Okay but that mouth not though and you don't have to use hands" he started laughing all over again. "Don't you have somewhere to be get the hell away from me with ya aggy ass Amari" she took some Motrin and sipped the cup of hot tea on her nightstand before laying down getting under the covers with her heating pad on her stomach.

"You so fuckin' mean when you on ya period, it's okay though I love that shit" he smirked and kissed her lips before putting his sneakers on. She grabbed the remote and looked at him "Sorry baby you know how I get around that time of the month, bring me back some ice cream please"  he got up and walked out the door heading towards Grim's house.

It was like 10:30am in the morning when he pulled up to Grim's house he rang the doorbell. He heard light footsteps coming towards the door and 2seconds later Grim answered wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts no shirt. 

Grim stood in the doorway and Amari brushed right past him walking in his house going into the kitchen "Nigga why you ain't ready yet" Amari said taking a water bottle out his fridge. Grim sat down at the island in his kitchen he didn't want to say the real reason he wasn't dressed was because Aiko was currently naked sleeping in his bed so he half lied "My girl upstairs sleep, so ion know if I could go right now" he said slightly smirking feeling funny about what he just said but he was really feeling Aiko

"Since when you got a girl nigga I've known you my whole life neva heard you talk like this" Amari questioned raising his brows drinking his water, he knew nothing about Grim and Aiko sneaking around the past couple of months. 

"Yea me and shorty been keepin' it low, she don't like too much attention" he semi lied again. Amari stood up out his chair heading in the living room making Grim nervous because he didn't know if Aiko would walk down naked any minute if she woke up.

"You must really fuck wit this chick you neva let bitches stay the night or even claim them" Amari chuckled pointing to the Dior purse on his coffee table. Grim kept looking at the staircase "Hell yea I really fuck wit her heavy" he said smirking not even denying the fact he was really into Aiko. "iight just hit me when you done boo lovin' nigga" Amari said walking out the front door to go to Dice's house next.

Amari and Dice were playing their last game of 2 on 2 at the gym he took a break to drink some water and check his messages

From MyWorld❤️🌏:

When you coming back I miss you


Baby Daddy

Come layup with me🥺

Wya me and ya son about to pull up🧐

She texted him back to back because he didn't respond the first time he laughed to himself and texted her back

From Me:

Nah don't say you miss me now you kicked me out earlier remember

Drop my son off you could go back home lol

From MyWorld❤️🌏:

Stop playin' with me Amari

Instead of ice cream can you bring me chocolate covered strawberries??

From Me:

Yea I'll be home in a lil while brat

Can I get my dick sucked when I get home or I'm pushin' it 👀😭😂😂

Amari laughed out loud and put his phone back in his pocket already knowing Sevyn was cursing his ass out via text, he shook his head and returned back to the game he was previously playing

TheNext Week...


Sevyn was in the bed feeling sick as hell she called out from work and stayed home, right now it was just her alone in Amari's apartment he had taken Sin to Saint's house because she was begging to see her grandchild, she missed him. Sevyn was waiting on Amari to come home and bring her something to eat she was starving. He had been so busy this past week she barely got a chance to see him only when he came to help put Sincere down for bed or when he slid in bed late in the middle of the night.

She had fallen asleep waiting for the food when she felt lips kissing up her thighs. She woke up lifted the blanket and seen Amari staring back at her "Babe what are you doing" she whined because she didn't feel good. He kissed right below her belly button then looked at her "Tryna make you feel good" he pulled her panties down kissing her inner thighs. "Just lay back and relax let me make you feel better" He told her as he started to feast on her she closed her eyes and let him, by the time he was done she came twice back to back and went back to sleep.

Sevyn woke up rolled over and looked at the time on the clock it read 3:30am she started feeling around the bed and didn't feel Amari this was the 3rd night in a row she sighed and pulled her phone out to call him

Calling Zaddy💜...

He answered on the 4th ring she heard loud arguing background

"You good Mamas" he spoke into the phone with a slight attitude because the guys were arguing about bullshit and he was ready to go

"Yes, Babe I was just checking on you I didn't feel you in the bed next to me" she yawned into the phone

"I'm good ready to come home but these niggas is playin', oh and Sin is stayin the night over your mothers" he said

"Okay well I love you be safe, and come home soon I can't sleep without you" she said in a low voice

"You want me to come home right now" he questioned

"If you can" she said in a hopeful voice

"iight here I come" he said now in a more relaxed tone

She heard him tell Dice and Grim "Fuck ya'll niggas my baby want me home now"

"I'm comin' you need anything" he asked her

"Nope just you" she said and with that the call ended and he was on his way home...

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