Chapter 55

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3month later...


Amari was on his everyday morning call with Sevyn for her breakfast break at work. It had been a long 3months he missed his woman and his son but there was nothing he could do besides be patient and pray that everything would workout he trusted Giuliana wholeheartedly with his case

"So you gon' give me a lil girl with your eyes when I come home" he smiled into the phone

"Boy please go to hell this sounds like jail talk I don't wanna be apart of that sir" she laughed loudly

"For real I miss you though" he laughed

"I know I miss you too, Papa was calling your name all last night before bed" she said

"I miss my boy he still tryna take steps around the house" his voice slightly changed

"Yea he's trying a few steps then falls, but he keeps trying" she said

"You have 2minutes remaining" the operator interrupted their conversation

"I love you Phatz"

"I love you too" she said and the call ended

Amari was on his way back to his cell when two correctional officers stopped him "Smith come with us" they grabbed his arm and he yanked it back "For what" Amari spat. They didn't say anything just grabbed his arm and dragged him to the front where he seen Giuliana standing with a big smile "Unhand my innocent client" she said to the guards smirking. The guards eased their grip and pushed Amari "Wtf is going on" he snapped

"You're an innocent free man Amari" Giuliana smiled looking at his angry face. "What" he scrunched up his face in confusion as they took his cuffs off. "All charges have been dropped from lack of evidence of any crime" she shrugged her shoulders "Now let's get this process over with" she grabbed him and started walking because he was still in shock


Sevyn was in the bathroom wiping her tears for the 3rd time that day, everything about her day was going wrong and she couldn't just pick up the phone and call Amari to comfort her like he always did she missed him like crazy. There was a knock at the bathroom door....

"Sevyn you good" Ivy's voice came through the door. "Yea I just needed a second" she said truthfully "Okay I can pass your 5pm meds for you I'm caught up" Ivy said "Thank you Ivy I appreciate you" Sevyn sniffled wiping her face "As much as you help me girl it's nothing we got 2hours and 15minutes left" Ivy laughed and so did Sevyn. Ivy left out the break room to pass Sevyn's meds while she took a breather.

She had 6 patients today and they were all needy as hell. 3 of the 6 patients were critical while the other 3 wanted pain meds around the clock she was so stressed she didn't even eat lunch. She sat down and pulled out her phone to read her messages


Staying the night at Vaughn's and your mother said she's picking up Sin for the night so you could rest

From me:

Okay love you and tell her thank you cause I'm gonna be leaving late because of charting 🙄💜

She got up put her phone in her pocket and went back to finish the time left on her shift. She was so glad she was off tomorrow her body needed the rest


Amari was so excited to be home he was gonna setup something nice for Sevyn since she had been so loving and patient with him about this situation for the past 3months. While she was at work he called Skylar told her his plan and she said she'd give them some alone time. It was 6pm getting close to the time Sevyn gets off work so he had to start his plan fast.

He put white rose peddles and candles everywhere, cooked Spaghetti with garlic cheese bread, and her favorite wine chilled on ice. By the time he finished setting everything up it was 8pm and she was gonna walk through the door any minute he lit the candles and turned the lights out sat back and waited on his fiancée

He heard her voice and keys turning the locks "Kam you so damn crazy but their makeup looked good in the video" he heard her say as she opened the door "Let me call you back I think I fucked up Skylar's lil alone time or something" she laughed. Sevyn walked in following the trail of rose peddles and candles to her bathroom where there was a note "Get in and enjoy your alone time sorry I couldn't be there with you" she read out loud stripping out her clothes to get in the bath

Amari watched her every move from afar while he waited patiently for her to finish her bath. He couldn't wait to get inside her it had been a long 3months for him. Once she was finished she dried off poured herself a glass of wine from the bottle that sat next to the tub and walked in her room where there were candles lit and music lowly playing.

Sevyn looked so confused looking around the room at the candles he walked out her closet and wrapped his arms around her from behind she jumped, screamed and started swinging on him

"Chill chill baby its me" he couldn't stop laughing. She stopped hitting him "Amari wtf are you serious right now" she looked at him with a pissed look he grabbed her chin and kissed her lips so passionately she felt her knees get weak "you ain't miss daddy" he gripped her ass under the towel. "yes I missed you but stop scaring me like that" she fussed slapping his chest

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him, he carried her to the bed "show me how much you missed daddy" he laid her body down on the bed kissing her breast. He removed her towel and spread her legs "I missed you so much" she said as her voice hitched when Amari started sucking and licking on her "Ahh fuckk" she moaned out while grinding on his tongue. He reached up and grabbed her breast squeezing and rubbing them "Amariiii" she yelled out as her legs started to shake as she came

"Damn how you taste that sweet every time" he licked his lips. She rolled over on top of him and started to go down but he grabbed her "Nah I wanna feel you right now I can have ya mouth later" he stared at her body with lustful eyes. She got up pulled his pants off looking in his eyes as she sat all the way on his dick slowly "Shitttt" Amari hissed grabbing her waist

She moved her lips to his ear and whispered "I'ma wear you out tonight" she smirked licking his ear and started to bounce up and down. Amari's mouth hung open as she rotated her hips and bounced "Fuckkk ya pussy so tight and wet" he mumbled to himself biting his bottom lip with his eyes closed. She started picking up the pace "open ya eyes daddy what you said I can't hear you" Sevyn smirked because she heard him mumble to himself. She bounced and rocked squeezing her muscles as she came to the top

"Fuckk hold up Sevyn" he begged tryna get up and switch positions. She pushed him back "Umm daddy right there" she started squeezing her muscles as she rocked. Amari's body started twitching "This pussy too good" he groaned as he filled Sevyn up with all his seeds Amari was leaned back on the pillows breathing heavy "Damnn Phatz what you tryna do to a nigga" he flashed her a lazy smile slapping her ass.

"But im not done with you yet" she got up with hooded eyes and massaged his balls and swallowed as much of his dick as she could he jumped a little and moaned out "Wait hold up Mamas" he begged her but she continued to gag and deep throat him. In this very moment she had Amari shook she was really making him tap out "Ooh shit I'm bout to nut Sevyn get up" he moaned gripping the sheets under him. She pulled him out her mouth and spit on it "I want it in my mouth daddy" she said staring in his eyes before sucking on him again he was through his toes started to curl and his mouth hung open as he came

"Sheesh you a fuckin' demon that's why you got my son now" Amari said looking at Sevyn like she was the most beautiful woman on the planet as he wiped the tears from when she was gag on his dick. "I hope you know I'm not done" she licked her lips.

"Baby let me just take a 10minute nap" he laughed loudly. "Boy ya sorry ass" Sevyn rolled her eyes laughing as he yawned and pulled her to lay next to him....

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