Chapter 51

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About 15minutes of Grim fucking the hell out of Aiko he wiped her with a hand towel pulled her panties up and dress down and helped her off the counter and flushed the condom down the toilet. She looked at her phone and read a text from Sevyn

From LuckySev💙:

Y'all better hurry up and get back down here Que is lookin for you and Reese keep asking where is Grim 😩🥴

She read the text and turned to Grim "Sevyn said Reese is looking for you" she said fixing up her hair and clothes. "She know about us" he questioned with his eye brow raised. "Yes her, Sky, and Kam" she shrugged. He didn't say anything else just fixed his clothes and walked out the bathroom first. Aiko went to change into leggings and a crop top to go zip lining that's why she came up stairs in the first place

Grim walked down the stairs smiling from ear to ear "where were you boo I was looking for you" Reese said kissing his lip "lookin' for a spare charger I think mine broke or sum" he shrugged and Kamaro burst out laughing because the girls put him on game Sevyn elbowed him. 10minutes later KoKo came strolling down the stairs "Damn you took forever couldn't decide what to wear" Que said kissing her cheek. The words "Messy as hell" slipped Skylar's lips and Vaughn looked at her trying to figure out what she was talking about. "No I mean it's messy as hell in my suitcase" she tried to cover up her words making Sevyn laugh

"Y'all acting strange as hell" Amari said staring at the girls. Sevyn turned to face him "Mind ya business boy" she mushed him. "Nah this grown ass man had you climbing the walls this morning" he smirked and gripped her ass. "Y'all so cute" Jayda said while Dice was carrying her on his back. "Y'all ready to go I'm excited" Sevyn squealed walking to the car so they could head to the rain forest


After they got back from Zip lining and shopping they decided to go to the beach until Sevyn's birthday dinner later. Everybody appeared to be having a good time. Kamaro and Brandon were taking a nap while sun bathing, Skylar was making Vaughn take her pictures, Dice and Que went to the bar to get some drinks, Grim was laid back smoking with Reese under an umbrella, while Sevyn, Aiko, and Jayda were in the ocean jumping waves and swimming around. Amari sat back and watched Sevyn enjoying herself he smiled to himself and took out his phone to call his Nonny to check on his boy

......FaceTiming Nonny❤️🤟🏾

It rang 3times before she answered looking in the camera with Sincere on her lap

"Look at my shorty" He cooed in the camera looking at Sincere

"Hey Boogie I see you made it was she surprised" Marie questioned with a smile

"Super, she didn't even expect it" he laughed

"I miss my boy though, he behaving for you" he asked Marie staring at Sin sucking his fingers drooling

"Yup he's just like you when you were a baby" she smiled and kissed Sincere he grabbed her face with his little hands

"Nonny I think I'ma ask her right now" he said to his grandmother with a grin

"I'm Proud of you baby take a picture of the ring" she smirked in the camera

"Tell ya daddy bye bye we got places to go"she looked at Sincere

"Dadada" Sin babbled in the camera smiling showing nothing but gums and his dimples

"I love y'all" Amari said smiling

"Remember what I said Boogie" Marie smiled and ended the call

He sat back lit his blunt and thought about what his Nonny said to him a week ago while watching Sevyn get out the water and walk back towards him. He watch her hips sway from side to side and water droplets roll off her skin, her Fendi bikini fit her body perfect she looked beautiful to him all he could think about was how in love he was with her and with their little family

He was leaned back in the lounge chair smoking she walked up and leaned down pecking his lips then she took a pull from his blunt he had in his hand "You okay baby" she asked rubbing his face. He sat up and pulled her in his lap "Sevyn I love you" he said with a serious face then paused "I love you too daddy thank you for this trip I needed it" she rubbed her thumb over his lips

"Anything for you, you know that" he put the blunt out looking at her. "I want you to be my Wife" he turned her face so she was looking at him. He couldn't see himself getting on one knee to propose cause that wasn't his style at all. "I'm already your wife goofy" she mushed him laughing until he pulled the ring out his pocket "No like fa real" he said sliding the ring halfway up her finger waiting for a response "Amari Omg stop fuckin' playing" she looked at him. "I'm deadass serious Phatz I can't see myself without you or my son, be my wife" he pushed the ring all the way on her finger now

Tears flooded her eyes she was shocked and surprised she was in a complete bliss. "You gon' marry a nigga or what" he smirked. She jumped up wrapping her arms and legs around him with tears in her eyes "Yes Amari I can't wait to be a Smith like you and Sin" she cried kissing him all over his face....

 She jumped up wrapping her arms and legs around him with tears in her eyes "Yes Amari I can't wait to be a Smith like you and Sin" she cried kissing him all over his face

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Aww Sevyn finna be a Smith!

Ya'll think Aiko and Grim gonna get caught?

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