Chapter 19

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The next morning...


Sevyn was curled up in her bed crying her eyes out she couldn't believe how Amari treated her like she was nothing.

After he left out she called him repeatedly but he sent her to voicemail. And after an hour of crying right there on the floor in front of the door where he left her she picked herself up off the floor got dressed and went home.

Luckily she was home alone because Vaughn took Skylar on a weekend get away to the Keys. And Aiko went back to New York and wasn't due to come back until Friday

She shut her phone off and just laid in bed in her dark room. She had got up to use the bathroom when she heard her front door unlock

"Sevyn! Sevyn" she heard her grandmothers voice getting closer

Sevyn looked down at her neck and seen the marks from where Amari grabbed her up. She didn't want her grandmother to see so she pulled her hair down around it

She opened the door "Yes granny" she yelled from the bathroom and started walking into the kitchen

"I came to bring you your favorite" Simone said putting the Tupperware full of ackee and saltfish with sweet plantains on the stove

Simone lived 10minutes away from the girls and was always spoiling them dropping by with cooked food or Groceries and whatever else she thought they may have needed

"Thank you Granny" Sevyn kissed her grandmother's cheeks 

"What's wrong babygirl you look like you don't feel too good" Simone moved closer to her grandchild to inspect her. Her eyes were puffy face was bright red and she looked tired

"I'm just not feeling good I had a patient on Thursday that kept coughing all over me" Sevyn lied

"Do you want me to make you some soup instead" Simone questioned with a concerned look on her face

"Nope sleep will do the job" Sevyn half smiled

"Okay well I have to go Linda is waiting in the car, and charge your phone it's dead I'll be calling to check on you in 2hours" her granny kissed her goodbye

Sevyn walked back to her room put her hair in a high ponytail and slipped back under the blanket and turned her phone on and all her text messages started flowing through

She put her phone on silent and answered some of texts


Are you still comin to get ya hair done next week?

From Me:

Yea I'll be there I'll call you later feeling sick


Just checkin in I'll be home Tuesday the latest

My mom is comin to bring you food

I love you 😘💕

From Me:

I Love you too 💜😊

From KoKo🤞🏾💜:

Don't forget I'm comin This week maybe Tuesday instead of Friday idk yet 🤷🏾‍♀️

From Me:

Okay love ya not feeling well gonna sleep it off😘💜


Sevyn I need to see you

Please baby

Can we talk??

From Kellz:

Are you mad at me??

You never replied about the dressing change

Hope we still cool?

She just put the phone down and rolled over going back to sleep.


Amari didn't get a wink of sleep the night before the events of what happened between him, Sevyn and Tyra kept playing over and over in his head. He was laying down on the couch listening to Jay-Z song cry on repeat

"I know you love me like cooked food

Even though a nigga got move like a crook move

We was together on the block since free lunch

We shoulda been together havin 4 Seasons brunch

We used to use umbrellas to face the bad weather" he rapped along cause he felt he could relate

His phone was ringing off the hook but if it wasn't Sevyn he didn't care. There was a knock at his door he still didn't answer just cut the music up more

He heard the door unlock and he sat up with hopeful eyes thinking it was Sevyn.

But he heard his mother's voice "Boogie I  hope you're decent" she yelled from the front door

He didn't answer her so she walked all the way  in stepping over glass. She came over to get Armani's Apple Watch he left over there and kept begging her to go get

Now in a panic thinking something happened to her son Ariana yelled "Amari!!"

He turned the music all the way down "I'm in here Ma" he said lowly with his head hanging down

"Boy what hell goin' on in here" she questioned looking at the glass then him

"Nothin' Ma" he lied

"Nothin' Amari Tariq Smith don't play wit me boy" she fussed

"Me and Sevyn got into it" he sighed

"I know you didn't put your hands on that girl Boogie" she yelled at him

"No I just yoked her up Ma" he said honestly

Ariana walked over to her son and punched him in his chest "Are you crazy you remember how you father use to beat the shit outta me" she yelled

"Do you wanna be like him... Huh Amari" she snapped

"I'll Neva be like that pussy nigga" he spat

"Watch ya tone Amari and I hope not I raised you and your brother better than that" she mugged him

He just hung his head in shame not even looking at her. "Amari I'ma say this once go to her and apologize and make it right" she spoke in a stern voice

"Okay Ma" was all he said

"Now and clean this shit up and put my Daughter in-laws picture back on this damn wall" she walked away to get Armani's watch out the guess room he liked to sleep in when he was there

Amari got up and did as told cleaning up the mess before he headed towards Sevyn's house

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