Chapter 68

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Sevyn was having an amazing bachelorette weekend with her girls and Kam, it was their last day in California they were going to a brunch day party before their flight later that day. "How do I look" Sevyn asked while looking at her reflection on the side of the car "Like you tryna get yo ass beat by your soon to be husband" Kamaro smirked fixing her hair "I made sure to reserve us a table so no waiting in that line" Sky rubbed her hands together with a grin "Thank god cause my shoes said no ma'am" Aiko laughed.

They walked inside took a seat at the table ordered food and a round of drinks "I'm loving the R&B vibe in here" Jayda took a sip of her mimosa "Girl wtf I know that's not Kelsey coming this way" Kam's eyes grew wide "Huh" Sevyn asked confused turning around Kellz was standing right behind her "What are the odds I run into you on vacation in my city" Kellz smiled standing her up for a hug he rocked her side to side she looked at Skylar and she shrugged "Hey Kelsey what's up" Sevyn laughed nervously "Can I steal you away for a minute" he took her hand and she reluctantly followed

"First I wanna say congratulations on your engagement" He kissed her hand "Thank you Kelsey" she smiled uneasily he stepped closer to her "Don't you think this is fate us both on vacation same place same time, I still want you idc if you getting married" he rubbed her cheek "Kelsey I have to go it was nice seeing you" she said turning to walk away he grabbed her arm pulling her into a passionate kiss while rubbing on her ass.

Jayda spit out her mimosa, Kam got up "Hell no Amari not shootin' me because of this" Kamaro walked up grabbing Sevyn's arm pulling her away from him "Goodbye sir this is a married woman" Kam said and Kelsey snickered to himself. Aiko and Skylar turned to each other wide eyed "we need to leave now" they said in unison grabbing their belongings Jayda pulled a stack of 100's out placing it on the table that was more than enough to cover the bill. They walked out the restaurant

"Why did I let him do that" Sevyn started crying because she knew she fucked up "You need to tell Amari ASAP you know how he is" Aiko said as they got in the car to head to the airport Sevyn was so upset Jayda called the airline to try and get them home on an early flight

Hours Later...

Sevyn was finally home Jayda tried to get them an earlier flight but there were no more early flights so they ended up going shopping and having drinks to pass the time. She unlocked the door it appeared she was home alone so she went straight to the shower to wash off Kelsey's kiss and that long ass flight.

Amari came in minutes after with a sleeping Sin in his arms he put him in the bed turned on his night light cracked his door and followed the scent of Sevyn's Chanel perfume to the bedroom she was in the shower already so he took off his clothes and got in bed waiting on her to tell him about her girl's trip. Her phone started vibrating so he picked it up being nosey it was messages from Kelsey

From Kellz:
You looked incredible today you can't tell me the kiss we shared wasn't magical

Made me realize how much I miss you

Call me when you're free

Amari clinched his jaw and jumped out the bed he didn't know what to think he had a bunch of shit going on in his head. He started putting his clothes back on Sevyn walked out "Hey Daddy where you going" she smiled walking over to kiss him he put his arms out stopping her "You had fun in Cali Sevyn" he asked in a tone she couldn't read "Yea, But I missed you like crazy the whole time" she hugged him and he didn't hug her back "Babe what's wrong" she let him go and his eyes looked dark "nothin' you got my message earlier" he asked and she picked up her phone looking at the opened messages from Kelsey

"Amari it's not what you thinking babe just listen to me" she reached for his hand he snatched it back putting on his sneakers "I'm thinkin' you faked this whole trip just to be with this nigga, so I'm wrong" he said in a calm tone standing up "Amari what no!, baby please stop don't leave right now talk to me" she ran after him to the front door

"You need to figure out if you wanna be my Wife cause it don't seem like you to sure kissin' niggas and doin' god knows what on your vacations" he stopped and turned around walking back to the guess bedroom slamming the door in her face she just stood there crying "Baby just talk to me please" she sobbed trying to open the door "Get the fuck away from my door wit all that fuckin' noise before you wake my son" he yelled turning up the music on the speakers so he didn't have to hear her crying.

When Amari woke up the next morning he walked in Sincere's room to check on him and seen both him and Sevyn curled up on the bed. He walked out closing the door heading for the bathroom to shower, he was in there for a while letting his mind run wild about those messages. Sevyn walked into the shower he grabbed a towel and walked out not even looking at her, a tear rolled down her cheek she wiped it and continued to shower.

Once she got dressed she followed Amari's voice to the kitchen "Nah I'm not busy I'll come see you" she heard him say as she walked into the kitchen and Amari hung up the phone quickly "Who was that" she looked at him while making a cup of tea he didn't respond just grabbed his key off the counter "Amari please don't go we need to talk" she grabbed his face he bit his lip in anger and moved her hands before walking out to leave not saying a word

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