Chapter 42

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2weeks later....


Amari was at his Nonny's house sitting on the couch changing Sincere's diaper. Sevyn still wasn't talking to him at all after that little situation at his apartment so she'd drop the baby off at his mother or grandmother's house so she wouldn't run into him or have direct contact. She was serious when she told him don't hit her line unless it was about Sincere. She didn't ever deny him access to his son she just blocked access to herself

Amari was confused as hell one minute they were co-parenting together great, the next they were making love in his bed, and now she wouldn't even speak to him because of something she told him to do date other people it's like he couldn't win, his feelings were all over the place

Takala was so embarrassed by the way Mari treated her in front of Sevyn anybody with eyes could see he was still in love with his son's mother. Takala didn't even care though she felt she could change that, she kept calling him to explain why she lost her cool yet again and he kept rejecting the calls he needed some time to reflect on everything.

After he finished changing Sin's diaper he kissed his face and cooed "Mommy still being mean to daddy make her talk to me Sin" Sincere just looked at his daddy with a blank stare then smiled showing his dimples. Armani and Ariana walked in the front door interrupting the one sided conversation he was having with the baby "Give me my nephew" Mani said taking Sin out of Amari's hands.

Ariana walked over and sat down next to him "What's up Boogie why you look like that" he turned to face his mother "Ain't nothin' Ma just tired" he lied not wanting to explain the recent drama he had going on. He sat back and watched his brother playing with the baby "Ma can you watch Sincere for me this weekend I wanna try and do something with his mother"

"That's fine Boogie me and Saint could take him for professional pictures like we planned" she smiled. Amari pulled out his phone and called Aiko to ask for her help he was gonna try one last time to make things right with Sevyn


Sevyn and Kelsey were curled up on his couch watching reruns of insecure they had been spending a lot of time together lately. After that whole drama scene at Amari's apartment she shut down and shut him out again. She was so upset about the situation and didn't even know why to be honest she was the one pushing Amari away and then got mad when he actually did what she asked him to do, move on and date other people

Now here she was spending time with Kelsey when Amari was very heavy on her mind. She wondered what he was doing, and who he was doing it with. But she felt as though she couldn't express that to Amari she didn't want him to take advantage of her feelings

She had her feet in Kelsey's lap and he was massaging them "That feels so good Kellz" she threw her head back as he continued to rub her feet she had a long week at the hospital. Kelsey moved closer and pecked Sevyn's lips "You hungry, I could order out" he said pulling up take out places on his phone with one hand while still massaging her foot with the other. "No remember I can't stay tonight I have plans" she said looking at him with a smile

Tonight she had plans with Kamaro and the girls, he was having a slumber party at his house to catch up with the girls since they all been so busy lately and she was excited because she missed him and his craziness

"You sure you can't reschedule" Kelsey kissed her lips again. She looked at him and laughed "Nope we been had these plans sir" she got up to use the bathroom and get ready to leave and start her night

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