Chapter 66

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Sevyn had her EarPods in while dancing and singing in the kitchen she had just got back from the gym. She took a sip from her water bottle and bent over twerkin she thought she was home alone but Amari just walked in, he walked up behind her she jumped and popped out her EarPods "Why you stop" Amari couldn't hold his laughter she looked at him and rolled her eyes "You play too much" she pushed him laughing. "Wtf is this" he looked at her waist Trainer raising his brow "My waist trainer duh I need to be snatched for my bachelorette getaway" she smirked "yea iight stop playin before you get your wig snatched" he laughed playfully touching her hair she swatted his hand "Boy fuck you" she smacked her lips

She walked in the bathroom to get in the shower and he followed behind her "Where you goin' away" he sat on the toilet and watched her through the glass shower door "Cali I think, idk babe I'm just supposed to show up at the airport ready" she handed him the wash cloth to wash her back "iight 2days right?" He asked "Yup" she took the wash cloth back and he walked out the bathroom. After she completed her hygiene she went to the closet to pack Amari came in the closet and sat down on the lounge chair smoking "You want me to go pick up your son" he blew smoke out his nose "No I need to see my momma away" she got up and kissed his lips before leaving to get Sincere

Sevyn pulled up to her mother's house and unlocked the door with her key "Hey mom I'm...." Sevyn paused and turned up her face in disgust "Sincere Amir Smith get over here now" her voice roared through the house and he ran to her she picked him up "Hey babygirl your mother and I were just talking about your wedding coming up" Richard said standing up "you let this dead beat hold my son" Sevyn turned to her mother livid "Watch your tone Sevyn, I thought he should get the chance to meet his grandson" Saint stood up with her hand on her hip "With all due respect Ma that's not your call this is my son and I don't want him around my child, hell now I'm questioning you too" Sevyn spoke honestly and immediately felt a sting to her face Saint slapped her partly because she knew Sevyn was right it wasn't her call to let Richard be around. Sevyn just shook her head not saying a word walking out with a crying Sincere on her hip.

When Sevyn got home she put Sin in their bed cut on the tv for him and went in the closet to finish packing "Baby! why your mother keep calling me" Amari poked his head in the closet door he looked a little closer and seen a light bruise on her cheek he stepped all the way in the closet opening his safe taking out his gun "Don't make me ask ya ass twice who put they hands on you" he looked at her taking out his car keys she started sobbing "My momma" she cried he sat on the floor holding her until she calmed down and stopped crying "I know you said you don't wanna talk about it but it's something eating you up inside love" he rubbed her back "You about to be my wife we locked in foreva your hurt is my hurt tell me what's goin on" he held her chin looking in her eyes she sighed "Amari you love me and nothing can change that right" she stuttered he felt a little uneasy about what she was gonna say because he never seen her react this way about anything "I told you we locked in foreva" he smiled and kissed her passionately

She just sat there for a moment before breaking the silence "When I was 10 before my father left us he raped me one night while my mother was working, I told him I was gonna tell my mother so he left her terminated his parental rights, and denied me even told his family not to acknowledge my existence" she paused "I never told my mother or another soul because I always thought it was my fault, that's really why I never want him around me or my family so when I saw him at my mother's house holding Sin I lost it" her voice cracked Amari bit his lip in anger he was on fire on the inside but kept a calm exterior

"I understand whea' you coming from you don't have to explain, I'm so sorry that happened to you baby it wasn't your fault I swear I'll kill that nigga right now if let me" he kissed her lips "I love you ain't shit ever changing that, go take ya fine ass to bed and I'll finish packing for you" he helped her up off the floor "Really" she questioned "Yea I got you" he winked with a smirk as soon as she walked out his eyes turned cold and he clinched his jaw he was really thinking he might off that nigga he texted Gim and told him find out what he could on a Richard Davidson Grim told him he'd have everything he wanted to know by tomorrow night he smiled to himself and finished packing Sevyn's bag.

When he was done packing he slid in bed turned off the tv thinking she was sleeping closed his eyes put his right hand under her shirt on her left breast put his face in the crook of her neck kissed it and drifted to sleep. Sevyn just stayed up staring into the dark thinking about how she just told Amari a secret she planned on taking to the grave. She felt relieved to finally get that off her chest and know that Amari loved her regardless of her dark secret from the past.

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