Chapter 56

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It was 11pm and Aiko was home alone cleaning up Que went to the studio to work on a track with lil Baby. She was still getting use to them living together she had always lived alone, she picked up his boxers from the middle of the floor and mumbled to herself "His messy ass" she rolled her eyes and threw them in the hamper in the bathroom.

The doorbell rang and she grabbed a big tee shirt and slipped it on to answer the door. She walked to the door opened it and there stood Grim looking good as hell. She was shocked she thought he was still locked up "What are you doing here Kobe, you know you can't just be popping up like this" she stood in the doorway looking at him like he was crazy. "But I wanted to see you" he said walking past her into the house. She locked the door and followed behind him "Are you crazy or what? What if we get caught?" He moved closer and kissed her lips "So fuck that nigga, I already knew he wasn't here anyway"

He deepened the kiss and picked her up she wrapped her legs around his waist and he started walking to her bedroom like he lived there. He laid her on the bed and started kissing up thighs she took off the big tee shirt she was wearing he started moving her panties to the side "I missed you" he said searching his pockets for a condom. He found one slid it on and placed himself at her entrance, neither one of them heard the door unlock.

Que walked in the house taking his sneakers off calling out for her "Babe! Where you at" he yelled through the house. Aiko's eyes grew wide "Omg get up Kobe you have to hide" she panicked. He stood up pulling his pants back up "I ain't hiding from shit Aiko you got me fucked up" He said mugging her. She sat up pulling the shirt over her head as quick as she could "Please Babe for me" she kissed his lips gently backing him to the closet.

He smacked his lips and walked over to the closet she sighed in relief as Que walked in the bedroom "You ain't hear me callin' yo ass Aiko" he said walking in the room throwing his street clothes in the middle of the floor before walking into to bathroom "No nigga I was too busy cleaning up after your messy ass" she rolled her eyes. He yelled from the bathroom "Who's car is that parked out front" she walked to the closet to help Grim sneak out "Oh that's Kamaro's lil boyfriend for the week car" she yelled back before walking Grim to the door

By the look on Grim's face she could tell he was pissed "Are you gonna text me later?" Aiko asked kissing his lips. "Idk maybe" he shrugged walking to his car not even looking at her he knew he was going to text her cause he missed her he was just jealous at the moment.

Aiko closed the door and sighed tonight she'd be sleeping with Que wishing it was Grim....


Dice was happy as hell to be out he had been locked up for 3 whole months he missed Jayda so much that he forgot all about Titi. Jayda really held him down with everything the past 3 months she just did shit without him asking for it to be done. To be honest he was getting tired of Titi all she did was live in his house rent free, didn't cook or lift a finger to clean. But she always had her hand out for money and always wanted to argue about the hours he kept and how much time he spent in the streets.

Jayda was the complete opposite she cooked, cleaned, and had her own money from being a dental assistant plus had her own place. Dice never broke things off with Titi when he started messing with Jayda because he never thought it would go this far. Titi lived with him in his house while Jayda would often spend the night at his apartment across town. It also helped that Jayda wasn't a nag if he was gone too long she was just happy to see him when he got back.

Dice didn't even go home to Titi when he got out he went straight to his apartment to Jayda. He walked in and the first thing he saw was her standing by the front door grinning from ear to ear with her arms out for a hug. He walked straight into her arms and she hugged him tight "come on boo I made you some dinner" she grabbed his arm leading him to the dining room to eat. "Fa real you don't want me to take you out to eat" he questioned raising his brow. "No silly you need your rest maybe tomorrow or something" she smirked as she made his plate. "I'ma shower first a nigga feel dirty" he said walking to his bathroom

All he could think to himself was if it were Titi she would've made him take her out to eat plus ask for money to go on a shopping spree. He shook his head stripped out of his clothes and got in the shower so he could eat dinner and lay up with Jayda for the night and prepare for Titi's nagging the next day... 

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