Chapter 40

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The Next Morning...


Amari rolled over not feeling Sevyn's little arms wrapped him anymore he looked around room and didn't see her so he got up to wash his face brush his teeth. He walked down the hall to the living room where he could hear baby bum nursery rhymes playing on the tv and Sincere cooing and making noise in his swing.

He noticed Sincere was fully dressed he picked him up out the swing and kissed his face. Sevyn came out the kitchen holding his baby bag fully dressed in a pair of his sweatpants and tee shirt her hair in a ponytail even though she was dressed down she still looked good as hell to him. "Whea' ya'll goin'" he questioned still holding Sin

Sevyn took him out of Amari's hand and Sincere poked his lip out and started crying. She put him in the car seat strapping him in. "You full of questions these days, but your mother's house she asked to see Sin this morning" He bent down to give him his rattle so he'd stop crying

"You sure, you not just tryna run away from me" he stood up and put his finger under her chin looking in her eyes. She tilted her head looking at him "Nope" she popped the p. She grabbed everything and walked to the door "I don't wanna talk about it Mari, not right now" she said already knowing what he was thinking. He couldn't do anything but respect it so he left it alone for now.

He walked them to the door kissed her cheek then his son's forehead "Call me if you need me Mommy I love ya'll" he said watching her get on the elevator. "Okay Dad" she smiled and waved at him letting the doors close.

He walked back inside and went to the kitchen to get a water and the doorbell rang 2mintues later. He walked to the door looking through the peephole and seen Takala "Wtf" he said scrunching up his face because he wasn't expecting her at all. He opened the door she walked right in not even speaking

"I been callin' you all night Amari" she said with her arms folded rolling her neck. He looked at her like she was stupid "Okay and I was with my son" he said now with an attitude. She walked all the way back to his room looking around "Was she here AMARI don't fuckin' lie I just saw her getting off the elevator" she yelled in his face

Amari took a deep breath before he answered her "Why tf you questioning me like you my girl or sum, don't worry about my child's mother relax" he said getting impatient with her now.

She walked over to his bed pulling back his sheets to see if there were any signs of him having sex Sevyn's bra was hanging on the side of the bed from when he took it off "Did you fuck her Amari" she screamed. He stood there just looking at her like she was crazy not saying a word he felt he didn't have to explain himself to her.

She walked up to him yelling at the top of her lungs "Idc if that's ya babymama or not I'm not comin' second to no bitch" she slapped his face as hard as she could.

Amari was never the type to put his hands on a female but Takala was pushing him. He grabbed her up by her shirt "Why tf you playin wit me Takala like I won't beat ya ass in here, don't ever come over here wit that dramatic shit matter a fact you need to get tf out NOW" he slightly raised his voice pushing her toward the door by the shirt

Takala was fine for sure but she came with too much drama she loved that crazy shit and that wasn't Amari for the most part he was calm and cool and she loved pushing him to see how mad she could make him because she felt he was too nonchalant when it came to her.

And right now he was pissed he wanted to knock her head off. "No I'm not goin anywhere Amari" she tried to pry his hands off her shirt but he had a tight grip on it. She calmed down realizing he was upset now "I'm sorry baby, you know I get crazy sometimes" she looked at him with seductive eyes

Amari was fuming he just wanted her out he didn't care what she was talking about. Takala seen he was over her bullshit antics so she dropped to her knees and started sucking his dick right by the front door where he was tryna put her out hoping that would make him forget how she just acted.

At this point he didn't even care he wanted her to hurry up so he could come up with a reason he had to leave so she would leave. He just stood there shaking his head at the situation he was in at the moment.

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