Chapter 71

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A week later....

Sevyn was laid flat out on her stomach in bed sleep "Babygirl you gotta wake up, we got rehearsal in a few" Amari ran his fingers through her hair and she stirred in her sleep "Babe I feel sick, I don't know if I can" she sat up on the edge of the bed "iight rest some more while I get Sin ready" he kissed her forehead before turning around and yelling "Sincere come here" Sin came running in the room "Daddy" Sin said tilting his head Amari laughed because he looked just like him when he was that age "You really my twin it's crazy" he picked Sincere up so he could bathe him

They were in the car on the way to the wedding rehearsal "you good mamas" Amari looked at Sevyn slumped in the seat, Sin sat up in his seat looking over at her too "Mommy Good?" Sincere asked copying his Dad

"I'm alright baby just feeling nauseous, I'll be fine just wake me when we get there" she said closing her eyes. Her phone started ringing Amari answered "Bitch where you at, you late" Kam's voice came through the phone "Nigga don't be talkin' to my wife like that we on the way" Amari said into the phone "My bad sir, anyway where is my best friend" Kamaro laughed "We 15minutes away see you in a minute" Amari said before hanging up

When they got there Amari parked took Sin out his seat and opened Sevyn's door she vomited all over the sidewalk. "Damn Sevyn you iight" he rubbed her back, Sincere copied him "I'm good now" she sipped her water he wiped her mouth with a napkin "Mommy good now" Sincere said kissing her forehead she smiled, she was feeling much better

They walked in the venue "there goes the bride and groom" David said walking over to greet them "Wassup David" Amari said with a head nod "you okay sweetie" David rubbed Sevyn's back she smiled "yea I was feeling a little under the weather but I'm better" she said "Okay places everyone let's get started" David clapped his hands and they all went through a quick run through "That was amazing everyone, do we need to do another run through?" David asked looking at Mo because she looked unsure "Yea one more time won't hurt" Sevyn said looking at the group

Sevyn was getting ready to leave with her bridesmaids, Amari pulled her to the side "Baby do we have to be apart tonight?" he asked "Yes, that's how it normally goes you'll see me tomorrow evening at our wedding" she rubbed his face "You betta show up too, don't stand a nigga up" He said before pulling her into him for a kiss "You could call and FaceTime me if you want" she said before she kissed him again "I love you call me if you need me" Amari said watching her walk away "I love y'all too" she said

Kamaro and the girls decided to get joint rooms they were gonna stay close to the venue so they'd be on time tomorrow. When they got to the room Sevyn stretched out on the bed and Kam sat on the other side "I have something to tell y'all" Jayda said walking in the room looking at everybody "What?" they said in unison and she smiled "I'm pregnant I just found out earlier today" Jayda said "Omg me too but I didn't tell Vaughn yet" Skylar squealed Kamaro looked at Aiko "Bitch don't even look at me, I'm a step-mommy already tf" Aiko rolled her eyes "I ain't pregnant either" Sevyn looked at Kam "congratulations y'all I must need to step my pussy up cause I still ain't got a baby" he laughed "I can't believe we're pregnant together" Jayda rubbed Skylar's stomach and she smiled

Amari was bored as hell in his hotel suite smoking a blunt on the balcony Saint had just left from picking up Sincere she said she wanted to give him some alone time to get ready for tomorrow. He really couldn't believe he was about to marry his soulmate "this shit crazy" he laughed to himself remembering the first day he met Sevyn in high school...

"Damn who is that she got a fat ass" Dice said to Amari staring at the new girl "I heard she just moved here from New York she fine as hell" Grim said staring at her ass Amari looked at her and turned his head "She iight" he shrugged walking towards the gym to play basketball. After gym class Sevyn bumped into Amari by an accident trying to rush to her next class "Aye watch where you goin'" Amari turned around mugging her she rolled her eyes "Relax it was an accident dickhead" Sevyn said picking up her history book and walking away "Yea she bout to be mine" he licked his lips watching her walk away

A knock at his door took him out of his thoughts he got up to answer it was Dice and Grim he let them in. Dice had a look Amari couldn't read "You good nigga" Amari asked Dice while looking at Grim tryna figure out what was up "This nigga been actin strange since earlier" Grim said shrugging they took a seat on the couch and Amari poured them a shot of d'usse "Man Jayda is pregnant" Dice said putting his head in his hands "So what's the problem" Amari asked sipping his drink "Tiana was pregnant too but got an abortion today because I told her that's not gonna make me come back to her" Dice said taking another shot

"Nigga you was about to have fraternal twins" Grim chuckled lighting his blunt "again what's the problem she didn't keep the baby" Amari looked at Dice "How I'ma have a kid I ain't never been responsible for anyone but me idk how to do this shit" Dice shook his head "Nigga when you see that little face all that doubt gon' go away" Grim said and Amari agreed "Shit I'm tryna get Sevyn to give me another one but she frontin'" Amari laughed "Aiko pregnant too?" Dice asked Grim "Hell nah! We use condoms every time, King is enough right now" Grim pulled out his phone to read a text

Hours later....

After all his boys left Amari was alone, he was starting to get cold feet he needed to see Sevyn or at least speak to her. He was lying in bed looking at the ceiling, he pulled out his phone and texted her

From Me:
I need to see you

From MyWorld🌏❤️:
You okay Baby??

From Me:
Ion kno, meet me in the lobby

From MyWorld🌏❤️:
Okay I'm coming now

Sevyn told Kam and the girls she left her garter at home and had to go get it, she lied because she didn't want them to tell her she couldn't see Amari. When she got to the the lobby he was sitting on the bench with his back turned "Baby, you okay" Sevyn said touching his shoulder he turned around "Now I am" Amari said grabbing her hand "Where we going" she asked "come sit on the beach wit me" He led the way to the beach and she followed silently

They sat on the sand watching the moonlight dance off the ocean Amari took a pull from his blunt and passed it to Sevyn. They smoked in silence before Sevyn looked him in his eyes "What's wrong baby" She asked palming his chin "Ion know if I'ma be a good husband" he spoke honestly and she started laughing because she never seen him doubt himself about anything he was always so confident in everything he did "Are you serious you're gonna be the best, the way you love me and Sincere is unreal.. You always put us first" she said before she kissed his hands he laid back on the sand and she laid on top of him "Thank you for always holdin' a nigga down" Amari said rubbing her back "Thank you for loving me and my flaws" Sevyn said holding onto him. They just laid there watching the stars and moon reflect off the ocean

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