Chapter 14

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Sevyn pulled up to the hospital parked in her usual spot hopped out quickly badged in at the time clock and rode the elevator up with a new face she never seen before.

He must've been a new hire she thought to herself he was attractive and young nothing like the other male nurses they seem to always hire bald and old with a beer gut. He turned to her and said "Good morning" with a smile

She looked up from her phone briefly "Good morning" she smiled and went back to doing whatever she was doing on her phone

Once they reached the 4th floor they both got off and stood in the Nurses station to grab their assignments for the day

Sevyn looked at the paper seen she had a total of 5patients that morning. Their boss came to the front and greeted everyone and also introduced the new guy nobody seemed to know

"Everyone this is Kelsey a new RN we just hired on day shift" her boss said introducing him to other nurses standing there. Once the introduction was done everyone got report on their patients so their day could get started

"Let me find out you went and bought yourself a G wagon" Ivy another Nurse said turning to Sevyn she seen her pull in that morning and park in her usual spot

"Girl no that's Amari's truck we just swapped cars today, nosy ass girl" Sevyn said laughing 

"Did ya'll see the new nurse he's fine asf, It's the waves and the beard for me" Yaya said as she came over to Sevyn and Ivy smiling

"You know she act like the only person she sees is her boyfriend" Ivy laughed

"Well it looks like he can't keep his eyes off little miss Sevyn" Yaya joked moving her eye brows up and down

"Girl please" Sevyn waved her off and got to work


Amari rolled over and stretched in his bed before getting up to take a morning piss. He went into the bathroom did his business and walked out to see if Casheem was still there

"Nigga you still here" Amari spoke coming to sit on a chair that was in his living room

"Yea I'm still blocked cuz" Cas shrugged his shoulders

"Sev said to tell you she went to work" he yawned

"I know her ass probably tired too" Amari ran his hands through his locs

Amari pulled out his phone and called his car detailing guy to come take care of Sevyn's car. Then he called Grim to come pick him up so they could handle business

"Aye I'm gettin' ready to leave try to be gone when I get back go makeup wit ya Bitch or sum please" he spoke to Casheem

"Ion know I might have to go apartment hunting cause I think she really done" Cas shrugged

"She had my things folded neatly for me outside to pick up didn't even answer when I rang the bell" Cas shook his head

"All the bitches out here why would you fuck her cousin bro" Amari asked looking at him like he was slow

Amari got up and went to his closet to go throw on a Nike tech tracksuit so him and Grim could go meet his connect he was in town to hand deliver the product today

"Alright don't fuck my spot up and don't bring nobody in my shit" Amari said aggressively

And with that he was out the door....


Sevyn sat in the break room eating her lunch reading her group chat text messages laughing to herself when someone came and sat next to her. She looked up and seen it was the new guy "You don't mind if I sit here with you right" Kelsey questioned

"Nope you could sit anywhere you want" she spoke still reading her text messages

"So Sevyn is it?" He questioned

"Yup that's me" She smiled sipping her water

"I asked the boss to put me with a nurse I could shadow that does the best wound care and he chose you" Kelsey said

"Okay that's great so when do you start shadowing me" she questioned

He pulled out his papers to read it "Today and he has it set up for 2weeks" Kelsey smiled showing his dimples and perfect set of white teeth

"Alright cool my break is over I'll be on the floor when you're done find me" she got up and walked out the break room

"Damn she's gorgeous as hell" he spoke aloud to himself thinking he was the only one left in the break room

Derrick another male nurse that worked on that floor too heard Kelsey "I know right but she has a boyfriend apparently they been together for years" Derrick shrugged

"What that gotta do with me" Kelsey shrugged with a devilish grin and both guys shared a laughed

3hours later...

It was the end of Sevyn's shift her feet were hurting and all she could think about was a hot shower she was walking towards the truck when Kelsey stopped her

"Sevyn! Sevyn! Hold up" He called out for her and she stopped before getting all the way in the car

"Hey Kelsey did you still have a question about the wound we did on that patient in room 4415" she asked

"No I was thinking since I'm gonna be shadowing you for 2weeks I should at least have your number just in case you know" he said with a smile

"Yea just in case you have any questions" she took his phone put her number in thinking nothing of it

"Later Nurse Williams" he smiled widely

"Byeee Kelsey" she waved and jumped in and pulled off

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