Chapter 58

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Sevyn had just finished getting dressed and was admiring her body in Amari's bedroom full length mirror when the bell rang "I'm coming" she yelled before walking to the door. She opened it the girls and Kam walked through the door.

"Damnnnn Mari's apartment is big as fuck, he need a roommate" Kamaro doubled over with laughter walking in the living room looking around it was his first time there. "Girl he high" Jayda slapped his arm laughing she was high too and for the first time ever. "Lets take shots before we leave" Skylar pulled out a bottle of Hennessy from Amari's bar. "Okay but take my picture first so I could send it to my fiancé" Sevyn smirked flashing her ring playfully.

"Amari letting you wear that sis" Kam questioned. "Hell yea my man could shoot and fight so I'm good" she smirked. Aiko took her phone and snapped her pictures. When Aiko was done they all took a shot and Sevyn pulled out her phone to text Amari her outfit

From me:

You like?

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You like?

From Zaddy 💜:

Hold on I'm comin' home I'm tryna see sum 👀😋

From me:

Nope we leaving now 😇

From Zaddy 💜:

After the club bring that pussy home to me

I'ma make sure Sin is sleep too

From me:

Okay Daddy 🙃

From Zaddy 💜:

Deadass Sevyn

Sevyn blushed jumping in her truck with Aiko, Skylar, and Jayda. Kamaro drove because he was off the Henny and knew he was going straight to Brandon after the festivities.

They pulled up to this new club Kamaro heard about and skipped the long line out front straight to the VIP Vaughn had set up for them. "Vaughn stay blessing us with the five star treatment" Aiko yelled over the music. They all shook their heads in agreement Skylar popped the Champagne, Jayda opened the Hennessy and the drinks started flowing

Sevyn was smoking on the hookah while everyone else was dancing and singing to the music. They played Welcome to the party remix by Pop Smoke and Sevyn jumped up on Nicki's part dancing and rapping word for word with Skylar while Kamaro recorded them.

Jayda was so busy taking Aiko's pictures she didn't notice when some girls walked in the section like it was theirs. Sevyn had her back turned sipping her drink when Takala bumped her as hard as she could. Sevyn turned around not noticing it was Takala at first "Excuse you bitch" Sevyn said now being alert. "Yea iight the same bitch that had ya nigga and could still have him" Takala laughed. "Bitch who you talking to" Jayda said walking closer to the two. "Who tf are these bitches walking in our section" Skylar jumped up ready. "Betta watch ya mouth bitch don't get fucked up behind my fiancé not wanting ya ass" Sevyn said pointing in Takala's face with the hand her ring was on

Kamaro came back from the bathroom joint in hand smoking "wtf is goin' on" he scrunched up his face seeing his girl's were upset. Before anyone could answer Takala threw her drink in Sevyn's face and Sevyn jumped on her beating tf out of her. Vicky tried to jump in because Sevyn was getting the best of Takala but Aiko took off her heel and hit her in the head while jumping on her back then they all started rumbling including Kamaro snatching some girl Takala came with wig clean off

It took 5 Security guards to break all 10 of them up "Fuck you bitch Amari don't love you no matter how many years y'all so call been together" Takala yelled as she tried to throw another drink. "Bitch you maddddd" Sevyn laughed loudly. "Bitch me mad neva he'll be laid up with me by tonight with my stepson" Takala said smirking and Sevyn rushed her again. Security waited for Takala and her girls to leave first before letting Kamaro and the girls go because that's what Vaughn ordered them to do when they called him

When they walked to their trucks Sevyn was so mad she just smiled shaking her head. Takala fucked her lambo up busted out the windows, slashed all 4 tires, smashed her mirrors, and spray painted "Happy Wife" on the hood in red

"I'm done, I wanna go home" Sevyn laughed out loud leaning on Skylar as she rubbed her back to calm her. They all knew once she started laughing that was not a good sign she often did that when she was upset before crying. "I can take you back to Amari's" Kamaro said fixing her hair. "No I wanna go home" Sevyn said calming down. "Okay" he shook his head they all got in the truck. Jayda pulled out her phone still fuming to call Dice and curse him out.

Sevyn was so upset she didn't even wanna see Amari at all she slipped her engagement ring off and put it in her purse. They pulled up to the house her phone was ringing nonstop it was Amari she sent him to voicemail while she showered and tried to get her mind right.

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