Chapter 15

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One week later...


Amari and Sevyn were sitting in his parked truck outside of her house they had been sitting there arguing for the past hour about him having to leave for a week again this time out of the country to Colombia.

Sevyn wasn't upset that he had to go she was upset that he knew for a week but chose to tell her the day before he had to leave not to mention his communication skills were horrible when he was away.

"You know what I don't even give a fuck anymore Amari you don't listen to me anyway" Sevyn's voice cracked when she yelled

"Why you always doin' this dramatic shit when I tell you gotta make a run outta town, it's only a week Phatz damn" he spoke in a calm tone

"You act like I don't always come back home to you Mamas" he looked over at her face that was bright red from crying

"One week turns into 2 then that turns into you not answering ya fuckin phone" she looked at him with tears on the brim of her eyes

"I'm so sick of this shit" she yelled

"So you sayin' you don't want me to make this money so I could take care of you and my family" he put his hand under her chin lifting her head up to look in his eyes

"Don't touch me idc do whatever tf you want I never ask you for shit I got my own money... You know what Goodbye" she went to reach to open the door but he hit the locks and grabbed her arm

Tears started to flow from Sevyn's eyes again "Just let me leave please I'm tired Boogie" her voice cracked

"Can I come inside and lay with you since I leave in the morning" he asked giving her puppy dog eyes

"Nah you good, ya money can keep you warm tonight" she spoke with an attitude opening the car door to get out then slamming it with all her strength once she was out

Amari sighed deeply and sat there in deep thought for a minute while he smoked to calm down Sevyn always knew how to press his buttons and piss him off


Sevyn stood at the front door wiping her eyes and taking a deep breath before going inside. She walked in trying to pass through the kitchen before anybody stopped her

"Aye Sev you tryna match one wit me" Vaughn said coming out the living room where him and Sky were watching a basketball game

He stopped once he seen her face he could tell she'd been crying "You good" he asked raising his brow

"I'm good give me a minute I'll meet you on the back patio" she said before heading to the bathroom to freshen up 

She came back out and went to meet Vaughn on the patio to smoke. They smoked together on sometimes because Sky didn't smoke at all not even a little bit like Sevyn

"You good now, you know I don't like seeing my family cry" he inhaled the smoke before passing the joint to Sevyn

"Yea I'm fine just being a brat I guess" she blew smoke out her nose and shrugged

"Wanna talk about it" he asked looking at her

"Nah not really" she said lowly

So Vaughn decided to change the subject and talk about his new business plan he was having his very own recording studio built so that him and the artist he worked with would have their own space to create

Not to mention some of the big names that would pay just to have some studio time when they were in the city. Sevyn eyes perked up "That's so dope Vaughn, I need to be the first one to bless the booth" she joked

"How many times I gotta tell you Sev your singing is trassssh" they both laughed loudly

They smoked and talked about her work and his new business until Skylar came out and told Vaughn his phone was ringing off the hook and it was annoying her

Sevyn stood up walking to the door to go back in "Thanks Vaughn" she said with a slight smile

"Anytime we family" he shrugged putting the rest of the joint out

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