Chapter 9

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Amari was in his office at one of his trap houses tryna figure out why his money count was off. He counted it himself by hand then used the money counter "Wtf" he said to himself

The count from him and the machine came out the same every time "800,546" he repeated to himself in disbelief a whole 200,000 was missing

Nobody knew he was back in his office he came in through the side quietly and parked down the street.

He pulled out his laptop and ran back the cameras that nobody knew was there except Grim and Dice. He pulled it back to about 3days ago when the money was dropped off

On the tape Tyrell could be seen taking a small amount of product plus the money and sneaking out the back door then walking back in getting to work.

"This nigga" Amari said laughing to himself

Anybody that knew Amari well, knew him laughing and smiling was a sign of danger in this situation

He pulled out his phone and called Grim "Yerrr" he answered

"I need you to pick up Tyrell and bring him to the warehouse" Amari spoke in a calm tone

Once he said that Grim already knew what it was. "iight sayless" he hung up

Amari pulled up at Dice's house and honked the horn, Dice came right out as if he'd been waiting

They drove in silence the whole way to the warehouse until Amari's phone started ringing

   Incoming call Wifey 🔐❤️....

"Heyyyy Daddy"  Sevyn's voice came through the Bluetooth in his truck 

"What's up Mamas you straight" he questioned

"Yea just checkin' in" she said

"That bitch stay callin' her nigga" Amari heard Kamaro say in the background laughing

"Phatz I can't talk right now I'm handling some shit" his voice came off aggressive

"Oh okay later" her whole voice changed from cheerful to sad as she hung up before he could say anything else

Now I really gotta kill this Nigga got me miss treatin' my baby Amari thought you himself

Once they pulled up they got out heading inside the warehouse. Grim had everything setup perfectly. Tyrell was tied up to a chair with plastic all around to make the clean up easier for their clean up guys

Amari nodded at Grim in approval before directing his attention to Tyrell who was naked and crying

"I swear I was gonna pay you back everything plus more once I doubled the profit" Tyrell sobbed loudly

"You wasn't even gonna miss the 200,000 that's nothin to you" he cried

Amari smiled big but his eyes were cold "Tyrell didn't I put your sister through college, got ya mother a house and made sure it was paid off in full"

"We supposed to be brothers Amari" Tyrell screamed

"Brothers, nigga you bit the hand that feeds you" Amari said calmly

Sick of going back and forth Amari reached for the machete that Dice was holding and cut both of Tyrell's hands off, blood shot out all over the plastic.

Tyrell screamed in Agony, while Dice and Grim cringed at the site. "Put this nigga outta his misery and clean this shit up" Amari said walking out the warehouse back to his truck

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