Chapter 50

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March 9th...


Sevyn was lying on her stomach head deep under the pillows with the blanket pulled down to the top of her hips. She was in a deep sleep when Kamaro came barging in her room "Wake up hoe it's your fuckin' birthday" he yelled clapping his hands standing at the edge of her bed. She turned over into a bunch of Dior and Chanel boxes with bows and ribbons holding her breast because she was naked and the blanket was halfway off her body "Where is Amari" she asked trying to sit up but her back and body was sore as hell.

"Outside talking on the phone I cursed him out cause he brought everybody boo to them except me, so he said he'd see what he could do" Kam rolled his eyes.  "But Kam you don't have just one boo how was he supposed to know" she held the blanket over herself laughing. "Okay well he should've asked" he snapped his neck. "Why you in here bothering me this early Kamaro" she laughed. "Everybody else is sleep and it's your Birthday" he shrugged.

Amari came walking in the room from off the balcony he leaned down on the bed to kiss Sevyn "Happy Birthday Mommy" he held her chin in his hand. "Amari I want you to adore me too" Kamaro said with a serious face pointing to the Dior boxes and bags on the bed. Amari just looked at him and shook his head "What more do you want Kamaro I already arranged for ya lil friend to come out here wit you" he mugged Kam. "You did all that for me" he said in a dramatic voice holding his chest. "Hell nah I did all that for her" he pointed to Sevyn.

"Baby you gotta get up I made an appointment for y'all to get massages on the beach" Amari said trying to help her stand up. "We love to see it blew her back out and now getting it massaged" Kam clapped his hands and Sevyn started laughing "What are you talking about" she turned to Kamaro. "Ooh I heard y'all this morning, Omg yes daddy" Kam mocked her moans from the hours before laughing. Amari just shook his head at Kam lifting Sevyn up to carry her to the bathroom to help her complete her hygiene Kamaro left out to wake up Sky and Aiko to get ready

Once she was dressed she kissed Amari "I'm going to the appointment now" she walked to the door with a limp. He smirked and shook his head laying back down because he was still tired. She limped through the silent house everybody was still sleep except Skylar, Aiko, and Kam

"Good morning you whores" Kamaro said to the girls as he laid down on the massage table. "If anyone is a whore it's Sevyn, I heard her yes daddy as many as you want" Aiko mocked her moans humping the air. "Well Vaughn and I went to sleep" Skylar lied trying to hide the smirk on her face. "Guess who else is here y'all" Kam bounced his eye brows up and down. "Who" they said. "Grim and Dice their rooms are down stairs" Kam laughed out loud knowing Aiko's situation. Koko's whole face turned pink

Once their massages were over they walked back to the house which wasn't far since the house was right on the beach. When they opened the door music was playing balloons were everywhere and the brunch spread was beautiful. It seemed like everyone was up now chilling they walked in the dinning room and seen everyone. Sevyn knew everybody except the two girls

Amari seen her face trying to figure out who they were "Baby this is Jayda Dice's friend and Reese Grim's friend" Sevyn waved at both girls they were pretty "Hello I'm Sevyn nice to meet you". "Girl as much as Amari talks about you it's nice to finally meet you Happy Birthday" Jayda said with a smile handing her a wrapped gift. "Happy Birthday, ya'll are so pretty" Reese said looking at her, Kam, Aiko, and Sky. All of them said thank you except KoKo

"Can we eat now since they back damn a nigga hungry" Dice fussed. "Yea y'all could eat now my wife back" Amari smiled walking over to the table to fix Sevyn's plate and drink. She limped to her seat at the table and sat down. Skylar sat next to her and whispered in her ear "Look at Aiko grilling that girl" she said snickering. Sevyn turned her head and seen Que walk up behind Aiko and wrap his arms around her kissing the side of her face and Grim's face turned red and he clinched his jaw. "Ooop" Kam came over whispering to them watching the same thing they were


After everyone finished eating they were all relaxing in the living room waiting for Kamaro's boo to show up so they could go zip lining in the rain forest. Amari sat on the couch with Sevyn in his lap he was watching the uncomfortable look on Grim's face he knew something was wrong with his bro he just didn't know what. He tapped Sevyn's thigh for her to get up "where you goin'" she asked him standing up. He looked at her "outside to smoke wit Grim" he shrugged

Him and Grim walked outside he looked at him "You good nigga you ain't said a word since this morning" Mari passed him the blunt. "Yea my shorty just got me stressed a lil" he lied not wanting to tell Amari about Aiko yet. Dice came walking out smirking "Jayda a lil cool ass bitch I fuck wit her" he said sitting next to them. "What about Titi" Grim asked. "What about her she ain't here" he shrugged and his phone rang it was Titi FaceTiming him

Grim got up to walk in the house while Amari sat there still smoking listening to the lies Dice was telling Titi. He walked in and heard Que say to Vaughn him and Aiko are moving in together he bit his lip tasting a little blood he was pissed but he had no to reason to be he knew Aiko belonged to someone else its just his feelings were starting to get deeper for her. He seen her walking upstairs so he followed behind her making sure nobody noticed. But Skylar and Sevyn were sneak watching while Kam was too busy excited Brandon was almost to the house. Once at the top of the stairs he seen her dip in the bathroom and close the door

He turned the knob and surprisingly it opened he walked in and locked the door behind him. She turned around "What are you doing Kobe" she said staring at him like he was crazy. He walked closer and picked her up sitting her on the sink "I had to see you" he held her face kissing her. "Kobe stop what if we get caught" she said but didn't stop him from kissing her. "Why you moving in wit him Aiko" he said in a low tone moving her dress up some so he could move her panties to the side while putting on a condom. "I know you not mad Kobe, you're here with a whole other bitch" she said crossing her arms, truth be told she was falling for Grim but she thought her an Que were prefect and didn't want to break up.

Grim smacked his lips "Fuck her" he said as he slid in KoKo. She held on to his shoulders and bit her lip so no sound would come out as he pounded her out right there on the bathroom counter....

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