chapter 54

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Amari had just met with his lawyer Giuliana Romano she's the best in the city, she had been keeping him out of trouble for years now. Giuliana told both her clients Amari and Grim to keep their mouths shut because the detectives literally had nothing on them everything was circumstantial evidence. Her husband Joe was Dice's attorney he had also been representing him for a number of years, he told him not to speak a word either and he'd work on getting him bail.

Giuliana told Amari right now they weren't allowing him bail but she would do everything she could to get him home. He wasn't really stressing because this was something minor compared to all the dirt he'd done in the streets since he was 16, all the shit he did they'd probably throw his ass under the jail.

He went back to his cell to try to think of a way to tell Sevyn he wouldn't be coming home until they let him get bail and he didn't know when that would be.

Hours later...


Sevyn was sitting on Kamaro's couch with him while Aiko was in his kitchen cooking for them. She just needed to get out of the house to get her mind off Amari being away. Sin was crawling on the floor in front of her "Come here Papa" she held her hands out for him to come. Sin grabbed on to the side of the table and took 2steps before falling "OMG Papa" She jumped up clapping and smiling. She turned to Kam "Look at my baby" she poked her lip out and her phone started ringing it was Ariana

.....IncomingCall Ariana

"Hey Ma guess what" she smiled into the phone excitedly

"Nah baby it's me she called you for me and what you gotta tell her I'm listening" Amari questioned

"Hey Babe and why you in our business" she laughed

"Y'all are my business" he said

"Well papa just took 2steps like a few minutes before you called" she smiled looking over at Sin

"Word my shorty tryna walk" he laughed

"Yup Yup but I miss you what's up" she said

"Ain't nothin' I miss you more Mamas" his tone changed slightly

"Ion got no good news yet just wanted to hear ya voice" he said

"That's okay baby I'll pray for you and us tonight" she said closing her eyes so a tear wouldn't slip in front of Kamaro

"You have 2minutes remaining" the operator interrupted their conversation

"I love you Sevyn everything gon' be iight"

"I love you too" she said before the phone hung up

She closed her eyes and bit her lip before turning to face Sincere and called out for him to come to her like before "Come here papa" he grabbed on the couch and took a few step to her before falling. She jumped up and picked him up kissing his cheeks as he giggled

Later that night....

Sevyn was laying in her bed with Sincere and Aiko watching movies. Aiko rubbed through Sevyn's hair "Sev you think I'm wrong for missing Kobe while I'm with Que" she randomly asked. Sevyn sat up while looking at a sleeping Sincere "Do you love Que" she asked Koko. "Yes but I think I love Kobe too" she had a serious face. "Girl whattttt, you love Kobe since when thought y'all were just having fun" Sevyn looked at her with a shocked face and her phone started ringing it was Jayda

....Incoming call Jayda🔥

"Yo" Sevyn giggled

"What's up lil mama" Jayda said

"Ain't nothing laid up with my baby and Koko" Sevyn laughed

"I'm coming over because it's lonely at Demario's apartment ain't nobody but me in this big ass place" Jayda fussed

"Umkay bring some wine Aiko over here stressing me tf out" Sevyn laughed loudly

"Fuck y'all bitches" Aiko yelled out in the background

"Okay I'm on the way Demario is calling on the other line" Jayda hung up quick

Sevyn looked at Aiko grinning "So you really feelin' Grim huh" she laughed and Aiko shook her head rolling her eyes...

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