First encounter

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"Stop it! Somebody help us!!!."

" You fucking part of a bitch, do you expect anyone to help you out here in this vacant area? Of course as tiny as you are, your brain is even tinier!" The guy yelled to Ikada
He yanked her head by grabbing a fistful of her hair towards a wall and...

She woke  up gasping for air(mainly CO2) as she began to hyperventilate. The voice inside her head said 'It was just another nightmare.' The shocked and pained expression on her face decorated with sweat drops soon turned emotionless as she hopped outta her bed and went to do all her morning routine.

She was soon at the academy waiting for the assigned Sensei with three other students.( I won't be telling the details as you know 'em already anyway).

Ikada's point of view
I sat farther away from everyone else with a book( a psychological book) and was absorbed in it until I heard the entrance door slide open and soon a few giggles escaping Sakura's mouth along with some lame excuses and Naruto being overly triumphant as he succeeded in doing something yet again notorious activity, kept laughing. I put my book away and as I did, I heard the silver haired man who looked like some kind of secretive person speak " my first impression of you guys is that you're all a bunch of idiots." And again I had no transparent change in countenance or demeanour while others felt kind of attacked.

We went to the terrace as asked by our Sensei.
He faced us as he sat on the railing and wore a rather casual posture along with a bored expression. If one were to see he would think our sensei was the least interested in executing his job.

Then he motioned us to introduce ourselves which began with him telling about himself after Sakura asked him to do that first.
He just necessarily said his name and nothing more than just mere words ' Hatake Kakashi'

As my turn came at the end after everyone else I started- " My name is Ikada. Yes I don't have a surname. My hobbies include reading books, playing flute and sometimes I like to draw too or write stuff.( qualities of an introvert :-/ ). My goal is something I can't even explain that to myself let alone tell you. My dislikes, well I dislike the part when a human consciously or unconsciously lies to himself and I also hate Machiavellians and people who don't consider someone's approval or disapproval worth it." at this very line everyone sweat dropped.

Well then kakashi Sensei said that we all have different ideas about everything and that we needed to meet at the training grounds early morning without having any breakfast( suspicious but I thought that maybe he'll make us do some serious activities, but who cares cause I never eat breakfast this early anyways ). Everyone started to leave except me cause I was asked to stay.

" so Ikada. Which clan do you belong to?" Sensei approached me with hands in his pockets and his gaze penetrating me.

"I don't know. Or let's say I don't want to remember anything of it." I replied with the same blank look.

" you're under me and as your Sensei I need to know. You were a kid and people let you go away with it thinking you were naive but the way you talk is the opposite of what reflection they got of you back then. And if I'm not mistaken, you are from the Ōra-hi clan?" Sensei inquired with a calm expression but his posture indicated seriousness as he now has brought his arms crossed against his chest.

" funny how even after you know everything you are still insisting me tell you. Did you even tell us that you were a part of the Anbu and you also have a sharingan ?" I said with an expressionless face

"What?! And how do you know all of it? Sensei asked rather a bit shocked, his brows furrowed a bit.

"I don't really like giving explanations but as you know I'm three years older than everyone else here, so I used to spend a lot of time hiding myself behind the leaves. I've a great control over hiding my chakra presence and I know a lot a people that way who are part of the Anbu cause you guys used to travel through the same path. Now if you'll excuse me, I've work to do."

I was already facing him with my back by this moment as I took my leave the moment i completed speaking.

Kakashi's point of view

That Ikada sure is something and Hokage had already sort of told me about her. I wasn't really shocked when she said she knew I worked as an Anbu black ops, I just acted that way. Of course not everyday she went unnoticed by our gang but we never inquired anything of her cause she never really did anything that seemed suspicious rather than playing a melody on her flute that  really had a painful vibe, a rather reminiscing essence to it with memories that only she knew about but I liked that sound and unfortunately as I retired from Anbu I could no longer hear that rhythm.
I miss that rhythm at times..

The white haired jounin reminisced as he stared at the clouds, some still, some in motion and gave a long sigh as he allowed the breeze to kiss his face and let his hair sway along with it. He looked back at the direction where Ikada once stood then teleported away to his comfort.

Author's note
So guys, this is the first time I'm writing something. Tbh I'm not well with stories. I'm rather better at poems and stuff. Any errors made here will be rectified once I start to re-read (which I don't know when ). Do tell me if you like it or not. And any special requests or any imagination as filler episodes are very much welcomed!

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