Bell test

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He traced a finger on her cheek down to her neck while she brawled to get herself out of shackles that tied her up in an awkward position and because of the unwieldy certain objects it was rather exasperating to go on further with the protest. But swedging and swearing was all he wanted .

"No need to worry Ikada, look your mom is also with us."

"Mom" Ikada shouted as she saw her limp body laying unconscious a few meters away from her. "Mom!!"...

With beads of perspiration on her forehead Ikada yanked from her bed and headed towards the bathroom, rushing and bending her knees and kneeling down with a loud thud infront of the commode and vomiting everything out. After that she cleaned herself along with doing all her morning routine. It was still too early( 3:00 am)

She headed off to the training grounds and thought to herself ' wow great I'm not going to have any breakfast and on top of it I puked everything out. Just great!'

Ikada's point of view

It was still dark. After thinking for a while I started a solo training, working on my ' dragon's wind' Jutsu which I had been currently trying to achieve for quite a while now. It was really vigorous and enervating. I hadn't realised that I had almost drained half of my chakra and it was now 6:00 am. I ran towards the training ground and found my three other classmates, two drooling and one standing with hands crossed. I went there quietly and opened my book

'Oh hey Ikada- chan" Naruto greeted

"Heya" I replied

" come to think of it I've never really talked to you anytime before" Naruto stated with his one finger rested over his chin as if he was lost in thoughts

"Yes" I replied and he was rather taken aback by my reply cause it was blunt and short and the fact that I said with an expression less face was even more blunt.

" umm well you see we can be friends if you want." Naruto said with a wide grin. His eyes closing making him look like a cute lil cat

" sure, Naruto" I said with a very faint smile. He jumped at that and hugged me and I actually hugged him back cause his aura was so friendly and pure that it was hard to deny his warm embrace.

He got off me and out of nowhere started " He's late again." as he crossed his arms to show His dissatisfaction with our sensei.

Then Sakura greeted me and I also did the same. We just casually exchanged words while Sasuke in between of the conversation simply hm-Ed or even said at times much to my surprise. After two hours of reading my book I took out the flute and went a little away from the team and climbed up a branch and sat there, my legs extended and one leg above another. I started playing the flute, the same melody that kakashi knew. ( I wasn't aware)
Everyone else nearly gasped and payed so much attention that neither of them questioned anything or said anything.

Kakashi's point of view

I heard the same melody from a distance. I made my pace faster. From a safe distance I saw Ikada sitting on a tree branch while everyone else having their eyes closed and listening to the melody she played with a calm expression. I so much longed for this melody. It's hard to explain how it made me feel. Yes it was sad but isn't it what humans listen to? Something that reminds them of their past even though they don't want to? The pain and pleasure are so intertwined that humans forget the difference sometimes. Even if they're sad already they'll turn towards things that make them appalling to the already disastrous heart but eventually they find peace in it and ease out soon enough. Yes humans are complicated. They struggle to rid themselves off, of vicious events and yet when they should move towards happy things, they move towards things that are even more depressing cause they feel like they can understand it more intensely albeit they're already hurt enough to be doing so. But in the end they start to feel better if not worse.

True it was even if it was complicated in every sense and very much of a paradox to everyone.

After standing there for 15 minutes I moved towards the team, " Ahem. Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path of life." He scratched the back of his neck while smiling guiltily.

Everyone jolted out of their position except Ikada cause she was much experienced about such happenings.
Naruto and Sakura yelled " that's another white lie" while pointing a finger at him.

Ikada said " we'll that's an interesting topic. Path of life? I see. Life is pretty much nothing except we trying to fill the gap between our birth and death."

She states with a calm tone and zero expression as usual.

Everyone sweat dropped cause she was the only one who took her Sensei's excuse too seriously and rather made a remark that sounded like a fact yet depressing.

As kakashi told them about the bell test he scanned Ikada " you look worked out. Did something happen?"

" oh I got here early so started training on my own and didn't realise it until after two hours." Replied Ikada

Naruto gasped "what?!!"

" I told you not to drain yourself out. Anyways that was your decision. Let's start the training."

Kakashi looked even more bored now.

Everyone hid themselves but Naruto is Naruto and tried to take kakashi single handedly but of course he failed. At the end his one leg was tied up by a rope from a branch. He was basically upside down dangling in air.

As soon as Ikada got the chance she hovered over to Naruto and freed him. " we need to work this out together cause he's clearly more experienced and powerful than us."

Naruto of course denied saying stuff like Hokage and what not. Ikada went back to check on the other two only to find that they were also defeated and no one actually cares of her idea to team up.

Tbh she wasn't the type to team up cause she always learnt to play solo but the situation actually called for her to do this.
Finally she faced kakashi alone...

She took out a Kunai and ran at full speed towards kakashi but he caught her hand and pinned her down but it poofed away and kakashi realised that Ikada now approached from behind causing him to jump and turn towards her while kicking her on the stomach but again it poofed away.

"Now now, how many clones? Are you Naruto?" Kakashi chuckled a bit.

Suddenly Ikada surrounded kakakshi by dozens of her clones. Kakashi wasn't surprised much for her age he assumed her to be better than the rest.

He then made several of his clones at the same time. The surrounding became much quieter and suddenly only the sounds of several bells were audible.

All of a sudden, Ikada's eyes widened in shock not because of the clones but rather the sound the bells that stammered inside of her ears. She clenched her ears and knelt down almost hyperventilating and pleading "stop it please! I beg of you! Let me go!"

Kakashi, not realising if it was a trick, a Genjutsu or she was really panicked, went towards her. By that time, all her clones had already poofed away.

Thinking it was a trick, kakashi kicked Ikada almost choking her and she hit her back with a tree and fell unconscious.

Kakashi now realising his fault, went running towards her. He expected her to dodge this simple and obvious attack, but she didn't however, for some reason.

He knelt down to her and took her bridal style and carried her back to the hospital.

After what felt like hours to the genins he returned to them.

After a lot of struggle they finally passed the exam.

Naruto questioned kakashi " so is Ikada also going to pass, Kakashi Sensei cause I don't see her anywhere now?"

" well yes she is cause she already knew about working as a team, but you all ignored her unfortunately. Don't worry she got a little exhausted during our sparring and is in the hospital." Said the Jounin scratching the back of his head sheepishly. And with that he poofed away to the hospital to check on Ikada giving no chance to anyone to question any further.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now