Kiss 2

306 10 21

Knock knock **

"You may come in." Hatake permitted as he shifted his headband in its place and now completely ready.

Ikada got in with some breakfast. She placed the food on a table and went straight towards his bed.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling?" Asked Ikada with the same calm look.

"Thanks to you. I feel very much fine. When did you learn medical jutsu?"

Kakashi now stood up as his mind wanted to inspect the food.

"Well I don't know much about medical jutsu but it's something I learnt to create myself when I used to spend days in woods alone. Most medic nin impart a greenish glow mine is the same colour as my hair. It's super effective although it drains a lot out of me."

She said as she served him a plate.

"I see. You probably don't know how medical nins control their chakra. You should give it a try sometime." He gave a closed eyed smile.

" I will Sensei. Now shall we have breakfast?"

They ate in silence in between stealthily glomming hints of squizzes at each other with the intention of not getting caught. And whenever one found out, the other simply shammed to stare somewhere else or fake cough or pretend to choke on food. What a weird tension was there. But hadn't kakashi declared that he doesn't think what it is? Didn't he say that the feeling he felt for Ikada wasn't what he originally assumed? Then why?

Maybe he was still examining his feelings. Acting all ninja even in case of emotions. Confused man.
They were done with the breakfast.

"Thank you for the accommodation and now I think it's time that we leave." Kakashi Bowed to Tomoe.

"If it's urgent then you might leave but I think you should stay till tomorrow. There's a grand celebration here tonight and I hope you can enjoy a little too. And I don't think you should go today. You were just injured yesterday." - Tomoe spoke ever so tenderly proving his royal status.

Kakashi thought for a while. It would be impolite to directly reject the order but the given date for the accomplishment of the mission was going to be over that night. He needed to inform the elders of the village first. But was it worth it? I think it will refresh Ikada's mood. She seemed off yesterday. I can ask Pakkun to inform the temporary Hokage. I'm sure he isn't going to deny.

"Now that you say I can't really decline the offer."  Said the jounin smiling tiredly.

"I'm so happy. Oh btw we've a particular dress code today. If you a problem you can enjoy in your uniform also."
Tomoe said as he seemed in a hastle to leave already. Of course as a prince, owing to today's grandeur, he was all consumed with work

" I don't think the dress code is a problem. The problem is we haven't bought any such outfits with us."

Kakashi laughed a little obviously embarrassed. But did he care? Of course not. Everything was for the world to show.

"Oh that's not a problem. We can arrange that for you. I'll send a tailor soon to get both of your sizes. And I'm sure Ikada is going to look beautiful in a girly dress." - tomoe offered a genuine smile.

"Thank you." Kakashi bowed yet again.

"You didn't have to do so much. And I don't think I'll be comfortable in such clothes."- Ikada who had been silent all through out the conversation now intervened.

That's right coming to think if it I've never seen Ikada in a girly dress. She dresses like a boy. Tomboy? Idk. But why do I care? Yeahh right I cleared yesterday I don't have such feelings. Maybe it's curiosity? Yeahh that's right curiosity. Should I insist her a little?

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