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"Lean in a little closer and that's all you need to do before making a move." Ikada did as was told by the guy. But again she slipped her leg, tripped and fell over the human doll crashing right to the floor with a large thud. Now this triggered the guy giving orders beside her.

"You little demon! Can't even do this little work. What are you good for? Let me teach you something." The guy yanked Ikada by the shoulder and kept dragging her to the separate room closing the door as they went in. He tossed her to a corner and then....."NO! Stop! Please mom help" Ikada yelled both from fear and pain. The exhaustion from the mental stress was no joke either. And then suddenly....

"Shit!" Ikada again jerked out of her bed. Her visions were blurry. Her heart accelerated as she greedily tried to inhale carbon dioxide. Her whole body shivered as if she was on a vibrating machine. Dilated pupils, with tears just at the verge of cascading down the cheeks. She trembled as she started looking for a paper bag. It should have been there beneath her pillow as always kept but to her dismay it was nowhere to be found. She started rummaging the whole place in the process of finding a paper bag tripping in between in this journey, sometimes creating a whole new mess at times.

When she couldn't find one she dashed through the door of her apartment went to the right and started knocking at Naruto's door hastily. But after one knock she trembled and fell to her knees. It had been too long. If she had been in her right mind she would have simply tried to breathe into any closed and thick fabric easily available at her own apartment but she wasn't in a state of responsiveness as the nightmare was still hallucinating and lingering right in front of her like a movie being played and thus she only looked for an object that she was habituated with.

Call it a miracle or a planning the silver haired Jounin was right in front of Ikada as he dashed out of her apartment. Yes he came here to inspect. He was too lost in his hatred towards Ikada's dad. He came as to spy and god knows what he exactly could have done if Ikada had been still there. No he didn't plan to kill her. He was just suspicious of her whereabouts. But when he saw the mess at her apartment he straight away went towards the door and with shocking eye saw Ikada hyperventilating.

"Ikada, what's wrong? Why are you hyperventilating? Calm down please."

He for that moment forgot all his vengeance and only saw a fragile girl who was seeking help.

"Paper bag." Ikada manged to speak through her fastened breathing albeit it was too confusing to assemble her words Hatake being a ninja understood what exactly she wanted. She needed carbon dioxide and thus was asking for something like a paper bag. Without wasting a moment he unzipped his jounin vest and tossed it over to Ikada but she was too confused and didn't really know what to do with it. Somehow Hatake managed to put it up around her mouth and nose enclosing it so that no air leaked while she exhaled in it and also inhaled the air she blew out rapidly.

Soon enough she started going back to normal. Before falling unconscious she tried to answer his question with one word "A....a.night..mare..nightmar-e" and soon her head fell into his already worried chest. The jounin held her close more like he embraced her from one side. He could feel how cold her body felt to his already warm body. She looked so exhausted and pale. Drenched in sweat. She was shivering like a lost puppy. He carried her to her bedroom. Before placing her on the bed he glanced again at her. She was pale and her face was dewy with tears and sweat. Her breathing was so normal and fine as if she never breathed rapidly.

After tossing her in the bed, he covered her in blankets and as he did he found a paper bag hidden in the blankets, more like it was tangled. It didn't take much of his time to realize that this in fact wasn't her first nightmare and panic attack. She was used to it just like him. He touched her forehead and realized it was warm unlike her hands and body which was cold and abnormal to any human. He sighed in relief. Her temperature seemed normal so she wasn't ill with anything else. He glanced at the clock '3:43 a.m.'

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now