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"Ikada I think we should ask for a backup team." Kakashi said in his phlegmatic demeanour but his seriousness was hearable.

They were waiting for the boss of that place to approach them before they could discuss and end things right then and there. It was all an act. But things seemed much uglier than they'd anticipated. Not only did the place had several shinobis but also some of the most excellent ninjas from various lands.

The fact that this hideous job was running so nicely, and even more, the ninjas were so desperately wanting to save it that they came from different regions just for the sake of fulfilling their heinous obsession with sadism and stuff, was really cruel and condemnable.

Sure Ikada and kakashi weren't enough for this. They did really need a force. Even if they planned to blow up the whole damn place that wouldn't work cause the innocents would die along with it. But who were the innocents?

How much they could scrutinise the area all they grasped was- some of the innocents weren't really innocents but rather personal masters of some slaves who yet had another master aka the boss. They were all muddled up. It was a lackadaisical approach to begin with.

Again they required information about it. If the place had so many Shinobis from different lands then sure the branches of it were already widespread to different lands and maybe this was the main club here. It was ubiquitous. But the question the prevailed was why wasn't this place condemned and researched and then smashed?

The answer was temptation and fear. People who's addiction didn't spare them to expose a fine feather about it. And fear of others who's life could get into trouble. The enslavement of beings, the innocent ones, continued to travel to various places. Hence it was everywhere yet no one failed to do the injustice of not going against it. And if one did it turned out to he the worst choice of his life. Death.

But something was different about this place that attracted people from different countries, who again had their own such filthy place but yet decided to come here and enjoy their sadism. This place maybe was famous for being too extreme. They didn't even care if the product died cause they didn't really consider them humans but rather products. That was their statement.

In fact some of them were solely raised there.

To produce a product of their own good they would pair random people to get a good looking product. They didn't have any scruples in doing something so abhorrent. Odious bunch of beings. And if the product turned  out to be some kind of ugly looking human they would send that kid for experiments to some other Organization.

Yes this Organization was itself enormous with its branches extending everywhere and most importantly Shinobis were in favour of this. It wasn't easy to crush them.  It would require help and that's what kakashi was talking about.

Ikada just nodded in approval realising the depth of the situation.

"So I think the best idea would be for me to teleport out of this place leaving a clone behind so that they don't doubt or it's better I stay here and leave a clone outside. Outside I'll summon Pakkun to deliver the message. We also need to inform other lands about this Organization so that their branches can be crushed." 
Hatake explained the first part of the plan. It was more of a precaution. They were being cautious and also they do understood that two against hundreds was a plain suicide.

Ikada nodded in approval and soon the clone of the jounin vanished away.

The guard around the gate immediately tensed at this scene and approached the two.

"May I know what was that just now?" The guard tried not to show his doubt since he was talking to the clients.

"Well as a prince I'm not a Shinobi but my guards do know some jutsus just in case. He has sent a clone to get me my meal. It's already time that I eat." Ikada said in an assuring tone and so calmly that barely anyone would doubt.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now