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Few days after you've completely recovered

"Chunnin exams?" - asked an overly enthusiastic Naruto as he bought his fists beside his head as if declaring he was already the winner.

"Yes you can either participate or not. Choice is yours." -Kakashi informed them with a not so interested look

"So Sensei do we not need training?" - Ikada

"Of course you can train yourself for it. For the first round it's upto you since it's a written exam and I don't think I can be of much help for that. It's all that you've learned so far. So.. you know.."

"I get it."- Ikada nodded in an understanding manner.

"Anymore questions from any of you?"- kakashi pointed towards the team

"No" all said in unison

"Goodluck then." He teleported away. As always.

"Hokage? You summoned me again?" Hatake asked as his hands never left his pockets and his demeanor radiated pure causality.

"Yes kakashi" - Sarutobi approved as He turned his gaze upwards looking from the trim of his hat as he held out the pipe out from his mouth holding it between his index and middle finger.

"So what is it?"asked the jounin.

"The Chunnin exams. I hope by now you've already informed your students about it. Let me tell you an exception. I used to train Ikada under me. Not on a daily basis of course but from time to time. You see she has always chosen to remain in solitude and it's good to see that she's opening up now but I don't know if she'll ever be genuinely happy again. As far as I tried to get close to her through training I was only able to learn things that you've learnt so far. It was harder for her back then."

He took the pipe back to his mouth to puff yet another smoke. The fumes were rather too distinct to go unnoticed.

"I see. So what's your point?" Hatake raised an eyebrow in a manner that meant 'what am I gonna do with that info?'

"Nothing exactly. I just wanted to assure you that Ikada is no threat. She just has some past like you and she's dealing with it herself. You know there's a method through which I could've known about her past and all but I wanted her to say that herself, but I guess that's gonna be too long until she finds someone whom she can trust more than herself. Well apart from that what I wanted to tell you the most of all is, since I've trained her personally at times I will declare her a Chunnin already."

By now Hiruzen made Hatake witness only his back as his vision seemed to be transcending far away from the large aperture on the wall filled with glass to somewhere away from the sculptures on the hills. His one hand bent behind his lower back and the other held his favorite pipe.

"A Chunnin already? Then what about others from her team?" Asked Kakashi, now fascinated by the topic.

" You see, I'll declare this to other Jounins. She'll play this solo and we'll appoint another jounin to test her skills so that she can be upgraded to a jounin. Her skills are no less than that of a jounin even you must have felt that by now Kakashi."

Hiruzen never turned to look Hatake.

"You're right about it. So what you're trying to say is she'll go through all the exams but sólo?"

"Yes that's what it's about. She can easily beat any contestant you see. I can assure you that as a former trainer. Next it's you who'll be training her. I'm telling you this cause I hope you can change her mind so that she learns to appreciate herself a little more."

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now