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So as the title suggests. I'll be building up the tension between these two. I love it when the tension reaches extremities cause at that moment even a simple kiss seems to do wonders. Happy reading ^__^

There was a gap of one month before the finals of the Chunin exams. Ikada was already declared a jounin however the Hokage afterwards decided to keep her a Chunin saying it would be too much all of a sudden. That was alright to both Ikada and her Sensei. Of course after the news everyone including Sasuke came to congratulate her. Funniest part was kakashi had offered a meal at ichiraku to everyone to celebrate Ikada's promotion. Cute

All done. Everyone was full.

"Kakashi Sensei you're the best! Believe it!"

"Oh Naruto." -Kakashi was just staring at his wallet. He of course had enough money but he never expected Naruto to eat this much today. Thankfully Ikada had got some extra cash with her and paid for the rest of the food.

"Naruto did you starve for three days?" - Sakura

"Oh no Sakura-chan you see the thing is.... and soon their voices faded away as they got away from there. Sasuke however wasn't allowed ramen for a few days while he was at the hospital however he came out with everyone just to see *ahem* Naruto smile and grin like an idiot. He soon was back in the hospital.

Now there remained only Ikada and kakashi 

"You didn't have to pay Ikada. It was my treat." Said the Jonin scratching the back of his neck

"It's alright. Take it as my treat for taking care of me always."

"Is that so? I guess I'm defeated then."


"Ahem lemme walk you home. It's getting late."


During the walk
"So... your curse mark will go away I heard?"

"Umm yes according to Draggoton things like this don't apply to me however it sure has some power so it makes me uncomfortable even for now I am a little bit, but soon when the curse mark fades away completely, I'll be alright."


"For what Sensei,"

"For being honest about your health today."

"Then I'm sorry for breaking the promise that day."

"It's alright now cause you're fine. But you know what ? I was really worried seeing you in that condition that day and on top of it you had the curse mark too."

"I know. I was too careless. That Orochimaru is certainly scary. But not scarier than my nightmares..."

"Ikada" the Jonin stopped in his tracks.


"What is that? What keeps you always so confined? Why don't you look happy like all others? I have never once seen you smile or laugh genuinely. What is that you're hiding? You know you can trust me. Trust Naruto. Trust the Hokage. You can tell us everything that's troubling you since long."

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now