Past revealed

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As he was nearing the hospital Ikada tried opening her eyes as she seemed to gain back her consciousness though it didn't last long. But for how much time she procured it back she could only utter one thing to Kakashi who was now holding her and his one eye showed only concern.

"why do you give me mixed signals sensei?"   She barely managed to spell out the words faultlessly.

"Thank god you're awake. Now is not the time for this." He glanced at her with the same bored expression yet currently he was the most anxious person.

"It is!" *Cough cough* "It is sensei. Sometimes you show love and sometimes you show hate. Why is it so hard for you to like me?"

Her eyes reflected the pleading expression. Yet she held the countenance of a demanding person.

"Ika..calm down please." Hatake now showed an expression of worry which was too evident through his single eye.

"And why do you think I'm listening to you." Cough cough. She suddenly ceased talking after that. Kakashi after a few seconds when looked down at her found that she was fast asleep.

"Ika I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."
his eye had that pleading look now that moments ago was radiating from Ikada's.

They soon reached the hospital and she was immediately admitted while Kakashi filled the hospital form.
What a crazy day. He sighed to himself.

Tsunadae was soon deemed necessary at the spot. What felt like years to kakashi, after checking her she now stood with her arms crossed over her chest as she gave a serious gaze somewhere in the space and resumed her talking to Kakashi.

"What? Draggoton left already?" Asked a slightly triggered Kakashi at the abrupt revelation.

"Yes Kakashi that's the reason I told her to rest up. She doesn't look like she trained hard I wonder how she ended up this way."

Kakashi seemed guilty in a way. Even though I didn't want to I finally caused her pain. Dammit!

"And why am I hearing about it only now?" Kakashi seemed a bit triggered, already exasperated from his act earlier. He was  aggrieved at himself.

"I was about to inform you today. It left yesterday only. Kakashi look I think now is the time that we find out about her past."

She said as she poured all her attention to the now standing man infront of her who was Hatake. Tusanadae appeared even more serious now. A sense of seriousness was very much hearable in her words.

"She won't tell. How are you planning to find out?"  Kakashi was genuine with this question

"I know that. The third hokage already had told me about her. I know very well what powers she wields but I've this strange feeling inside of me. We need to know about her past since she is also a citizen of konoha and that's the most important reason."

"Don't tell me you're doubting her cause she hasn't done any such thing."

"I'm not Kakashi. But think about it. Only third hokage knows about her. Now I'm the current hokage and with past incidents happening here we need to know about her. Don't forget that she even got the curse mark and it disappeared too. Didn't you find this weird? Even sasuke being from uchiha clan couldn't supress it's feelings. Have you looked at her? You said she has nightmares. Now what if that curse mark recurs and she is thirsty for revenge? We need to know about her past and that's an order!"

"I understand my lady but tell me how is that possible? Even the yamanka clan people couldn't do anything about it. They said she somehow managed to block everything and so gracefully that even the strongest of their jutsu didn't work on her."

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now