You're Not Alone

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In the afternoon

Kakashi was on the couch reading his book. While Ikada was on his lap hugging him like a kid. Her small physique made it all possible. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her head lay on his shoulder and she kept talking. Kakashi was communicating while reading. Of course he and his love for the book.

"So I now understand why during the bell test you were scared of the sound of the bells." Kakashi said turning another page.

"Umm yes the sound of bells meant they needed me. It was a command and at times it was also used as a toy. I still sometimes shiver at the sound."

"Oye I didn't want to make you uneasy. You still need rest you know. You're so weak that you almost tripped today in the morning. Forgot so soon?" He chuckled at his own comment.

Ikada brought her face that lay on his shoulder infront of him. She puffed her cheeks and pouted.

"Maa...I guess the medicines do have drugs in them it's working on you."

She kept that face.

"I told you not to do that right." He kissed her while she kept that pout

"No...I'm not drugged. I remember you told me not to do this. So I'm teasing you right now." She pouted again

"Maa someone is learning new stuff."

He rubbed his nose against hers as he kept smiling.


"Learning my habits too?"

Said Kakashi while giving her a quick peck.

She hugged him again and closed her eyes.

"I love you so much that it hurts."

"Ay what happened?"

"It's just that this feeling is so new to me that I'm unable to breathe."

"Then believe it cause I don't want you to choke and die." He giggled again

"You're still teasing me right?"


He kissed her head and kept caressing her bluish and purple hair with black hints.

After a few minutes when he was done reading his book. He asked ikada if she was hungry but got no response. I guess she fell asleep. She looks so cute sleeping on me like a kid. Oh how much I wish I could look at her face while she's on me.

He stood up stil carrying ikada and placed her on the bed. He kissed her on the forehead she mumbled something which he couldn't make anything of. She mumbled again this time much clearer.." do I have any worth now or am I still worthless?"

Kakashi's smile soon vanished upon hearing that. I guess you're still recovering from the trauma. How do I tell you Ikada that you were never worthless. No one is. I've lost a lot of people and I don't intend to lose you also. So just be strong if not for yourself then for me...




"How dare you not listen to me you little bitch!"

"I--I'm sorry daddy please forgive me!"

A cut on the arm as a blade slashed against her skin.

"It's master today are you forgetting already?"

Sound of slaps and smack.

"Tie her up and no water and food for her. How dare she not please the customer. What a loss!"

"And my dear Ikada this thing about your body that magically removes scars after a while is so special that my sadistic behavior gets so much triggered!"

Another nightmare.

"No" she yelled as she got up from her sleeping position panting heavily, hyperventilation soon hit her too.

Kakashi came running from the other room to the edge of her bed. As soon as he saw her he hugged her and tried to soothe her down. "Calm down Ikada. I'm here. It's alright. shhh."

"Kakashi sensei..they tied me u--up and didn't allow even water for two days. It was dark and I was just so scared and those bells every time they rung one guy would come and torture me."

Kakashi looked so angered right now for the fact that he couldn't kill that guy again for he was dead. He so much wanted to take away her sadness. He so much wanted to love her and show her how much better she deserved.

She was shivering in his arms still panicked from the nightmare. It was only like yesterday to her.

"Ika look at me." He lifted her head to make her face towards him. She still kept her eyes away from him.

"I--i sometimes wish I could ....I could just die." She managed to whisper this thought of hers that had been disturbing her for the past few years.

Kakashi's eyes widened.

He just held her even more close. He held her so tight making her almost immobile. Of course he remembered his dad that moment. How could he let that happen again?

"Please don't even say that. No don't even think about it. Not after I've started living for someone again. Please Ika."

"But all my life I've been worthless. I'm a murderer. A murderer who killed her own parents!"


He quickly pulled down his mask and kissed her. Kissed her from speaking words that almost pierced through his heart causing much agony. He whispered in between the kisses.

"Please Ika. You're worthy of every love and respect. Don't ever say that. Never again."

He kissed her forehead, her nose, her eyes, her cheeks and then her lips. Resting his forehead on hers he whispered

"You don't know how much I wanted to be with you and now that I'm with you please Ika don't be scared. You're not alone from now on. Never. This Kakashi Hatake will always be with you. I promise."

She just stared at him letting his words run through her mind. She felt so vulnerable right now yet so happy. Did she deserve it? The question still crossed her mind but she dismissed this thought for the man infront of her made her a promise today and she needed to help him keep his promise for she definitely wanted to be with him. Her happiness.

"Sensei.. I love you."

"I love you too Ika, My Ika." he caressed her nose with his, what they call eskimo kiss(nose rub) and both of them smiled, eyes till closed. Just feeling each other within the silence and through gestures.

"You're not alone either Sensei." Ikada broke the silence as she kissed his forehead.

Kakashi just smiled wide and hugged her.

Yes we are puzzled
'Cause we complete each other.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now