The Kiss

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The next Journey was covered by a wooden boat.

"Everyone crouch down!" the jounin yelled his guard completely up.

A huge sword flung through the air over their heads and got seized on the bark of a tree. A ninja with his lower face covered in bandages alighted at the handle of the enormous sword which seemed to be his. He seemed out of the genin's zone except Ikada considering her age and skills, she could manage to defeat him. But it's just an assumption.

"Zabuza Momochi. This guy is out of your league. He is a S-class rouge Ninja."

Kakashi addressed the team. The worry was visible even in his eye as he stood in front of his team in a manner to cover them up almost in a fighting stance.

He lifted his head-band that covered his left eye allowing everyone to witness his Sharingan and allowing everyone to gasp in awe well of course except Ikada and Zabuza.

"All of you protect the client, Tazuna. I'll deal with him."

Kakashi covered all the four by standing in front of them and taking a step towards Zabuza. Not long after that everyone got in a defensive posture. Keeping their stance uptight no one seemed to not follow their sensei's orders.

Out of the blue Zabuza spoke "Eight points: Larynx, Spine, Lungs, Liver, Jugular, Subclavian artery, Kidneys, Heart".

Ikada understood even before he mentioned the organs. Without wasting a second she formed hand signs, celerity of movements was necessary and she was doing it perfectly as she formed them at a rate which was faster than any genin around her.

Then she glanced over her allies "spectral shield" a purplish and bluish aura swamped around them, engulfing all the five of them forming a 3d sphere.

Everyone stood in awe rather their actions stated reverence to the jutsu, lips slightly parted when Zabuza attacked from behind but nothing happened instead he fell back and his water clone showered there. This move not only shields one but also to some extent repels the attacker with a force. However this comes with a great amount of chakra cost. This jutsu however needs a lot of improvisation and with time and practice it can be a great one. For the present Ikada isn't capable of pulling it up to that level. She needs practice and with time her chakra amount can also be heightened (okay so somehow I managed to tell you all about her current ability and a foresight about her developed ones).

Zabuza giggled a little. It was more like when a human in a knackering situation tries to act cool and solemn by smiling or laughing away.

"I've never seen a jutsu like that." He accepted

"Yes you must not have cause most of the jutsus I use are my own. I create them since I have managed to practice solo for a long time." No change of countenance only seemed to give a sense of mockery in her statements.

"Kakashi I must say you have got a nice rat indeed. I'm impressed." He smirked in a cunning manner

"Kakashi sensei how does he know you have a rat? Is it a pet?" Ikada seemed so oblivious to Zabuza's taunt that he almost got triggered by this.

"Ikada, you should really stop hanging with Naruto more often. He's talking about you metaphorically." Sakura almost scolded

"Ah I see, so Zabuza has some vision problems or word problem calling a human a rat is rather rude. But rest easy Zabuza I'm not offended I've been called worst."

This time she had her faint smile. It was so uneasy to see it cause the fact she stated that she has been called worst seemed more than genuine and in a tone that she was in fact mocking her own self. As weird as it seemed to Ikada in fact it was more than normal. She was used to it. Used to this feeling of self hatred.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now