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So I'm taking Ikada back to Konoha for treatment for here I couldn't find a good hospital. So I hope you guys can manage guarding the bridge cause I believe most of the hurdles have been cleared though I've asked the Hokage for a jounin in my absence, it might take a day for him/her to reach here. Take a break today till the substitute for me arrives. Now, go have your breakfast.

Sakura finished reading from the piece of paper.

"How did he know we haven't had any breakfast?" - Nartuo asked as he made his eyes squinted with a slightly tilted mouth.

"Oh Naruto, he just guessed that the first thing we would do would be checking up on Ikada." -Sakura said as a matter of fact.

As Kakashi was jumping from trees to trees carrying Ikada in her arms he was split between worrying for Ikada and others he left early morning. Obviously the vexatious situation didn't allow the jounin to stay any better. He sighed as he continued worrying in his thoughts but suddenly was jolted out of his thoughts when he heard Ikada whispering "It's cold." And she snuggled more into his chest to gain some warmth that her body lacked.
"Dammit" was all he could say as he realised Ikada's fever just deteriorated because of the deep laceration.

He applied more chakra to his feet and increased his pace thus hopping from trees to trees swiftly.

Finally around noon he reached Konoha. The guards didn't ask a question for the worry was evident on Kakashi's face clearly as the day. After getting through the gates he simply teleported him and Ikada to the hospital.

He glanced one last time ah her pale face before she was taken to immediate care. He almost collapsed on the waiting seat sighing in worry. He was also to report Hokage about everything though he had informed him with the help of pakkun already, but in person he needed to do it too.
What a day...

The next day he visited the hospital and when he asked about Ikada he was glad to hear that she was doing fine. He was also informed that if the stitching had not been performed she would've lost too much blood which could've worsened her already fragile state. Kakashi could only thank his Anbu training that moment.

As kakashi entered inside the room where Ikada was admitted the first thing he noticed was Ikada zoning out at the window that displayed sunlight and greenery with some peculiar colours of roofs and the faces of Hokages carved on the hills. He walked towards her bed after shutting the door behind him and to his surprise Ikada never ceased zoning out. She was still gazing at the window and god knows for how long she had been staring away. Kakashi bought his fist infront of his mouth and faked a coughing before saying

"Glad to see you're fine already."

By this time Ikada's eyes were completely centralised on the jounin who looked rather bored.
She was brought back to reality by the jounin.

"Yes and thanks to you.... Sensei" she said with a slight bow of her head as a gesture of respect

After a few more talks it was time for kakashi to get to the serious point

"So Ikada about that dragon thing you've there" he pointed at her torso. "Is it some kind of tattoo or you were part of some Organization or something else?" By now his already bored look was replaced by a serious look.

"Ah so you've seen it. I thought the Hokage might've informed you already about it." She said as her vision descended down to her lap.

"So... what is it that even the Hokage is hiding from me?" Kakashi crossed his hands.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now