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"what happened Ikada?! Did you again accidently touch someone?!"

Lady tsunade asked as she looked up from some important sheets

"Yes but it's not because of that."

"Then what? And who is it now?"

"You're saying as if it happened a lot of times. It was only one time and now it's the second. Well it was my sensei this time." Ikada pouted. She barely gave expressions but infront of her she tried her best to express feelings .

"Does he know?"

"Yes and before you ask he's really okay with this." Lied again. Wow. Already defensive about him.

"Well I know he's a calm guy but remaining calm about this matter..well Kakashi sure has changed a lot then."

"I guess so..."

"So what's wrong with you?"

Iakda then tells lady tsunade about what Draggoton informed her. Tsunade nods in understanding then drives a few tests

"So Ikada I advice you to take less impacts for a few months. It's severe only if your chakra hits its limit. Although for now as Draggoton has left your soul you've greater chakra reserve but still emotional strains may trigger the pain in your chest and I fear it might cause some serious problem like heart attack."

"But I don't get it. Why that after it has left my body I'll have to deal with this?"

"What happens when a strong pressure is suddenly removed? Draggoton stayed in your body for more than 8 years so his sudden disappearance from your body has just released the pressure or force with which your body held it in. And that's the reason for your pain."

"So now you won't give me any missions?"

"Even if I wish to do that I don't think it's possible due to shortage of shinobis. But that's not the main part. You will not stay calm unless you get a mission."

"Sometimes I think you're my mom for knowing me so well." Ikada faintly smiles.

"Well I'm no less then" tsunade gives a warm smile. She continues...."your power is going to evolve soon. You'll be even more powerful so till then we need to care for you because the day isn't far when you'll protect all of us."

"My my that's a lot of faith."

"You know you still can't joke well Ikada." Tsunade laughed giving her a hug. "Now go and rest up. No missions for tomorrow and till I think it's ideal for you to have one."

"Yes my lady." Ikada bowed before going away.

The next day Kakashi was just inquiring from one shop to another in search of the similar stone pendant. But not only he wasn't able to find any such pendant but he was also surprised by shopkeepers reaction on seeing the stone and hearing about it's powers.

I hope this wasn't something personal to her and she gave it away to me. No no Kakashi what are you saying. Why would she do that when I've always been rude to her? Now where did she get such a rare item from. It's the exact same colour as her hair....
Right...that's exactly it is! Its design is like her eyes. Same hue and same way the colours are spread. Was it really something precious to her?

Kakashi soon approached her apartment and was greeted by a not so cheerful Ikada


No response.


Again no response.

"Fine. I came to return this to you. I don't think you should give away something valuable to you."

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now