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Kakashi's point of view

I can hardly understand these kids. Three of 'em barely understood the meaning of being in a team and the other one let's say... ugh never mind. Now that I think of it Ikada really ain't a kid anymore being 3 years older to all others she's mature enough to realise why she acted wrong during the battle. Let's get to know the reason now.

Knock knock.

" come in" said Ikada

She sat there on the hospital bed, her legs hidden under the blankets and she supported her back with a pillow. And to my surprise she held a book in her hands. 'Now that reminds me of something.' But well that book looked more like a psychological stuff. ' she did mention about it.' I closed the door behind me and walked towards her bed with hands in my pocket.

"Yo. Are you feeling better now Ikada?"

"Yes Kakashi Sensei. Thank you for being so kind."
Ikada Bowed her head as a sign of respect.

"No it's alright. It's my fault anyway. But I was curious as to what happened to you that moment if you still remember?" I asked

" the bells reminded me something related to my past." Ikada said with an expression less face

"Past?" I asked a little bewildered with what could tiny bells remind her of.

" yes the sound of the bells got too heavy and well let's just say I've a past like everyone else and so I don't intend to remember it now."

"That's alright Ikada,but remember to act more serious during battle scenes. This time it was me, other time it could be some enemy. You need get over your personal feelings. Alright?"

I tried to make her understand that how dangerous it could've gone if it was someone else like an enemy.

"Kaka-Sensei, is it possible for humans to completely get over regrets and past? Is it possible for humans to just stop breathing on their own? These thoughts are like breathing to me, they won't just go away if I ask them to, they come automatically and let's say it's what makes me feel I'm alive. That I've existence. Without reminiscing about the sad past I've nothing better to do cause if I forget about it I fear I'll have no meaning to my life. And moreover, if it had been an enemy I would've simply died which is in everyone's fate already."

Ikada again stated as a matter of fact- tone with the same expression less face.

Is she a psycho? Depressed? Why is she being so serious? And now that I think of it I've never heard her talk this much before. The drugs(medicine) might've triggered her to tell a lot more than she wants to. I wonder what her past is. The Hokage himself knows nothing as according to him she was found in the outskirts of the village unconscious and when she came back to consciousness all she remembered was her name. People already know who her mom and dad were so she didn't seem like a threat and the fact that her mother served as a great Shinobi she wasn't pressed much to answer questions she didn't want to answer. However something seems odd and I need to know what's happening.

"Well Ikada, ahem... you've passed. I mean your whole squad has passed the test. If you're wondering how then let me tell you that in the end they worked as a team, the thing which you had already figured out, and thus they all have passed including you."

I informed Ikada ignoring the statement she laid earlier

"Thank you Sensei." Ikada greeted. But this time she held a slight smile. A very delicate one as if, if she had widened her smiled a little more she would break her own jaw.

"I'll be taking my leave. Tomorrow get ready for our first mission as now I can see you don't have any drastic injuries, just exhaustion. The nurse said you'll be discharged today only. Goodluck."

I said with a closed eye smile. With that I poofed away

Weird girl. Wait a second. Did she, did she smile earlier? Wah.. I've never seen her smile though it looked very much forced but it still seemed genuine. So Ikada there are times when you smile too. Let's see how much more mysterious you are..

Ikada's point of view
Finally I'm going home tonight. I'm happy they've passed( not even considering the fact that she herself has also passed) well let's get home and head out to work!

I got to home and changed quickly and went out again. Today I had late night shift at the restaurant. I worked as a waitress there. They paid me decent and I had saved enough of the amount that if I was jobless for a whole month and ended up spending 200$ daily I would still manage to survive that month. The fact that I was 3 years older to everyone else in my team was because I worked here and there Doing several jobs to keep myself busy and independent. It was after four years that Hokage convinced to graduate. I actually considered it. Going to missions would increase my chances of helping others with their lives, but what if I fail? What if because of me someone again has to lose his life? Despite those negative thoughts, I gave in. And that's how I decided to graduate. Because I'm a vegetarian( I hate killing things that are alive, some may argue that plants are also alive. They might be true but for me animals and humans are species that seem alive and since I can't give someone happinesses then I definitely have no right to take someone's life away. That's the reason I was a vegetarian). Most of the time I used to run into jungles and get fruits and stuff. So eventually I had saved a lot of money for this fact cause tbh I was never into buying things that had no use except books. So basically I had lost interest in a lot of stuff and the only thing that kept me going was the pain that made me feel I'm alive.

Author's note

At this point, neither kakashi nor Ikada have any feelings of love or attraction. It'll take time but I promise to keep bringing them in awkward situations at times. I'm trying to make it seem like it's real. Since real love takes time. They'll take time but eventually fall for each other. Few chapters are going to concentrate a lot about Ikada's character and behaviour cause it's going to get a bit complicated since human brain is really complicated. Thank you for reading! 안녕 !

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