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Kakahsi didn't sleep inside the tent with Ikada. Actually he didn't even rest. He stayed outside on a tree branch. Didn't even read his book surprisingly. He was traumatised with what he saw. Sure as a shinobi he had seen even more horrendous scenarios and in some of which he himself had to execute a lot of inhuman conducts but seeing something in front of his own eyes and not being able to do anything about it is something different. Seeing someone he loves getting raped and torchered infront of him was his limit.

One thing that dreaded him the most was Ikada was still as a robot not showing any emotion. As if she was now devoid of emotions. She didn't cry. Didn't shout. It was only that night when she ran away after witnessing something so horrible but after sayin him what she saw she didn't shed a tear. She was completely shut. He could understand what she went through but he could never feel it. He understood her silence but it was eating hin away. He wanted to help her but how?

And now she was going to the same village where all this happened. A similar organization. Almost same. He could only wonder why ikada agreed to be here. It wasn't something of a very difficult mission but it was something that could sure trigger her. He only assumed that Ikada wanted to free those who would suffer the same fate as her. She didn't want that to happen to someone else and she herself wanted to do something for them. It was his assumption but he didn't know that he was right.

To Ikada it wasn't revenge. For revenge is taken against the person who does wrong to you. They were already dead. It was justice. She wanted to give justice to others to herself too. She wanted freedom. Freedom for them who were suffering something they never deserved. Heck no one deserves. Kids are innocent beings. They don't even know what real pain is but they were already being pushed to their limits. She wanted justice for them and if justice came by killing them she would gladly do it this time. Yes she was ready to kill this time. Ready to act like a ninja. Heck they deserve no mercy. She sure knew that she has no right to decide someone's fate but if she were to go to hell for killing she would accept it gladly for she knew it felt right this time as she slashed a criminal right infront of her and right infront of kakashi.

Kakashi went wide eyed.

"Ikada.." I just hope she doesn't end up like me. Like I used to be in anbus. But she's acting the same. Cold and distant. Ikada ....

She showed hand sings to kakashi to enter through a different door on the left. She would go through the centre tunnel instead. They couldn't make a noise there. It was too risky. So signals were the only way but they were comfortable with that

Kakahsi could feel the chill running down his spine on witnessing the room decorated with all the kinky stuff. All the straps hanging from the wall. Sure ways of torchering anyone. Several different types of toys, whips, chains, claws with spikes and what not. Seeing all that he could remember Ikada's screaming.

He bent down to pick on claw and he grazed a finger over the spikes immediately earning a dot of blood that had oozed out of his finger tips. It's sharp as suspected. He mentally cursed those monsters in the masks and also the ones he was going to kill right now.

Ikada was currently hiding herself as she found a bunch of people who looked like shinobis and were there for some 'products'. Pigs. She mentally said.

Inorder to get inside she probably needed to disguise herself like a customer. She already had a plan in her mind ready.

"Excuse me can I meet the owner here?"

"Who are you and how did you even get inside?"

"I'm, well a prince from a distant place Takashi and I was allowed because the owner himself called me. Now you think with such heavy security how can I barge in without making a single noise?"

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now