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How comical of a situation it was for all of them to note. Yes Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura all of them attended Ikada and their Sensei sleeping together on a rooftop.

What Kakashi wasn't aware of was that, in the dead of the night, he had snuggled his face deeper into the crook of Ikada's neck and his bigger hands enclasped her smaller torso, unreservedly sharing the warmth . It looked like a side embrace and he held her close. He kept whispering 'Dad don't leave me again'

Ikada could only assume that his dad had either died or abandoned him on purpose or that they just lost each other somehow. However Ikada was aware about this sleeping position but never paid a heed, it didn't feel anything awkward or inappropriate to her in fact she didn't understand why she got those glances in the dead of the night. She considered those guys only came to listen her flute and stood there like statues each glaring her and kakashi as if they had committed some major crime.

Kakashi was humming around while walking circles in his room when he heard a series of knocks on the door. Shoving away the terrain of thoughts that had consumed him he walked straight to the door only to find Ikada standing there with two plates, of course it was breakfast. What confused him was that there were two plates so Ikada of course had something to ask and it was contrary to her actual nature.

"I got us some food since you never appeared downstairs and also I have something to ask." She was stuttering and which was very much unlike her. Even Ikada was confused with herself.

"Yes get in." Kakashi closed the door as Ikada got inside and placed the food on a table.

"It's highly unlikely of me to be butting into people's business but I dunno why I got really curious." It was true Ikada barely butted in unless it was too important as in case of a mission.

"It's alright Ikada. At least you're trying to communicate and I'm glad. You may ask now."

He gave a closed eyed smile while getting two glasses of water.

"Umm..well last night."

At this Kakashi's eyes widened a little before going back to normal. He was really anxious about everything. This is what was haunting him since the moment he gained back his cognizance.

That awkward position and did he do something regretful but if it was that way then Ikada would've woken him up but again why was she here talking about last night? These thoughts consumed the silver haired guy for the moment. The jounin was sweating now while smiling like a maniac.

" You talked about your dad. You kept sayin 'dad don't leave me' while you held on to me tightly and I have no clue why others kept glaring at us though after a moment they left us. Where is your dad now?" Ikada finished

" well my dad is dead and I'm sorry for blabbering in my dreams maybe I was just dreaming about him."

Kakashi stated with a bead of sweat on his forehead.

"It's alright. And yes you can have your breakfast. I'm turning the opposite side."

"Ha-ha umm Yeahh thanks." The jounin scratched the back of his neck and gave a long sigh. This didn't go that bad as I assumed.

After finishing the breakfast Ikada left with the dishes downstairs.

Now kakashi was able to relax a bit until it hit him again. I was embracing her? Dammit and she didn't even flinch the time whole stating that. Is she a robot?

But soon enough kakashi was able to relax. Of course he wasn't among the ones to care too much about something this trivial.

Training time
"Ika-chan hurry up. I want to climb the tree and beat Sasuke. Believe it!" Naruto hopped around like a complete idiot.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now