Can I?

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After a few days of Hokage's death

"Kakashi Sensei. Ikada doesn't even talk to me anymore. What's wrong with her?" Asked a puzzled Naruto

"I don't know Naruto perhaps it has something to do with the Hokage's death. Just when she was opening up a little bit this incident caused her to shut up yet completely." - kakashi spoke but never chose to look away from his book.

"Is there a way to make her open up a bit?" -

Sakura took an interest in the topic.

"I don't know Sakura. Even I've tried several times. She just answers specifically. It's not like she ignores our questions but if someone were to make a conversation with her it would seem like one sided and very much forced. She doesn't reciprocate the way a companion or a friend should." -
Kakashi spoke as he now shut his book close seemingly lost in thought.

"Sensei.." - Sakura Lost the hope.

"Why does it matter. Let her be alone just. Tsk." - Sasuke was being overly rude as usual.

"C'mon Sasuke don't be pretentious. Even you asked me alone what's wrong with her."

Said Naruto while hitting Sasuke on the head.

"What-What are you talking about? I was just worried about our teamwork. That's all." Said a stuttering Sasuke as he was acting all delirious.
"Kakashi Sensei!" - Ikada's voice had an urgency

"What are you doing here Ikada. Go away. This guy is dangerous to fight!" - kakashi said as he straightened his position back again.

"As if I'm gonna let that happen again. I'll repeat again, although I don't, but I can lay my life if anything were to happen to you- I mean you all."

She stuttered in between without being conscious about it, even she hadn't captured it why she particularly was concerned for him. It didn't mean she won't sacrifice herself for her other teammates but there was something she had always felt about kakashi.

So Yeahh I've kinda added a new enemy. A temporary one only for this situation. Enjoy.

"Ikada don't be hasty. He's in the bingo book too. He's not an easy opponent. Just stay behind me!"

Kakashi almost commanded as he hastily stood back yet again being all weary because of the fight.

"I guess my sense of hearing is defected. I can't hear a particular man's voice called Hatake Kakashi." -Ikada retorted trying to be quirky.

"Ikada stop joking." Oh wait she rarely jokes even now she's expressionless. - Kakashi facepalmed in his mind.

"Sensei keep an eye on the prince. I'll handle him and if I die, I'll make sure he's injured enough to be killed by a kid although I have no doubt on your skills. I highly respect you and have always."  She looked over her shoulder as she now acted as a separation between Hatake and the impudent intruder.

Kakashi was at a loss of words as he flushed a bit. For the compliment? Nah. For the way she acted dominating. This was a mission assigned to them. Kakashi and Ikada were asked to escort the prince named 'Tomoe' back to the land of feathers. Yes land of feathers. As delicate as the name sounds with the same delicacy the enemy ninjas almost kill anyone without making a sound. Silent killer? No. Silent but painful.

"Oh little girl, your Sensei is right. Get away. But there's one thing. I won't kill you completely cause I've never seen such a delicious chick in a while. Looks like a plan for tonight." - the enemy said leering as he bit his lip maliciously already consumed with lascivious desires.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now