The unbearable Truth

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A month had passed away since the time Kakashi tried knowing the truth but eventually things got smoother.

Even Tsunadae didn't rush it. They believed when the time comes they'll eventually find about it. But what if the truth is something too much to take on? What if it puts everyone in danger?

Sure as the history made it clear to them that the Draggoton's clan people were too powerful and they helped the humanity. But those were more like rumours cause it happened a long time ago and most people didn't even know anything about it. Even the books started discarding this theory for years passed away and no one really knew how the clan went into extinction. They just dissipated some day without anyone's cognisance. Some died a natural death according to rumours. But those all were baseless theories. No one exactly knew anything. One thing was really well known. That people from that clan either emerged out the blue or had some blood related history and they too died mysteriously without leaving a trace. And the people who actually had any idea were probably dead.

So it was far away from anyone. The truth was hidden far beneath a strong layer of tranquility and peaceful life. But soon it was going to be revealed and soon a lot of them were about to turn away. It was an unbearable Truth.

Ikada was appointed on a mission alone. It was not something too easy to be executed alone.

"Tsunadae sama what's the meaning of this? I don't think she should be sent alone." Kakahsi stated with the same bored look.

"Why? You doubt on her capabilities?" She raised an eyebrow at him

"No. It's not that. You know better than anyone else that she doesn't kill her enemies. What if some of them trace her back? I don't doubt her capabilities because now she has become even more capable but there's something about which I fear more."

"And what is that?" Tsunadae raised an eyebrow.

"Don't forget that she might just lose her control. The place you're sending her to, will just ignite her memories."

"I see you haven't forgotten about that. Then it's done. You're going with her. If anything happens inform me immediately. Now go."

Kakashi bowed to her then left immediately after that.

The mission wasn't what one would call very difficult. It was the same village, a neighbour to the Hidden Leaf, not very far, where ikada had her beautifully ruined childhood. Or is it acceptable calling her a child at that age? She lost her innocence. Lost her will to live. Lost her reason to go on. Called herself worthless and not to mention, except the victims no body in that village was fond of her. They still looked down to her for she was regarded nothing less than a prostitute. And immediately after the explosion she caused, it stirred fear in the minds of the villagers who never allowed her to be there.

But what if a girl is simply forced to do something she doesn't want to? Do we have any right to judge her? Forget about girls. Even if it's a male. Why should we judge them? And even if they are willingly doing it, what's our problem? Why do we look down on them? They sell their bodies cause that's their way of living and I believe we humans have no right to judge them on what they're doing cause they're simply giving pleasure instead of taking away lives or doing something too severe like a crime.

"Ikada are you sure you're going to be fine with this mission?"

Kakashi asked as he stroked a hair from Ikada's face. They were sitting on the bed. Ikada straddling on him while both of her hands were around his neck and her head in the crook of his neck.

"That's why i didn't want you to look at my past. I'm not weak anymore." She said through muffled voice.

She pouted a little bit as her head lay to the opposite of kakashi's vision.

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