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Finally all of them reached Tazuna's house. It was a neat and comfy place actually. The beach view in front of it just added beauty to everything. Warm lights made their way to the entrance of the windows that were rather huge. The house was all wooden.

After settling down everyone began their questioning and Kakashi answered them with the same bored look. Long story short the conclusion was that Zabuza was still alive and the boy who threw senbon needles just tried to stop his body for a few moments, everything seemed to be well planned and well executed. Ikada however was too silent to everything. If what she thought was true then she needed to meet that masked guy once more and thank him once more. It was her only wish..




"So I'll be teaching you tree climbing." Kakashi said in his usual casual tone with hands secured in his pockets. And his stance too relaxed fit a ninja.

"What are you kidding kakashi sensei. Tree climbing is kid's play believe it!"
Naruto whined as he flew his hand before pointing an index finger towards the tree. He was basically indicating that he was ready to climb it any moment.

"Stop whining Naruto. What I didn't say is you have to climb it without using your hands. Just like this." and with that kakashi climbed the tree with his two long legs without using any hand as they were still placed inside his pocktes. Obviously he had to concentrate chakra on his foot. He then returned to the group and passed them each a shuriken except Ikada and told them the basics of it to start doing it.

"Ikada you are training with me. Follow me."

Kakashi took her to a vacant area to practice. Actually he was aware that she was exhausted and was actually planning on torturing her by training. Of course that wasn't his full intention because he intended to train her also as they had only a week of time left in their hands before they would fight Zabuza. In fact he was following the Hokage's orders but he was being too petty currently for being overloaded with his personal thoughts. Ikada had a very low fever, so in fact fever wasn't the issue it was her chakra exhaustion.

"Ikada before we begin show me your most advanced Jutsu." He said as he crossed his arms to show seriousness.

"The sheild I used before is one of my most advanced jutsu however I'm still working on it. Except this defensive jutsu I have one more and it's called 'Nature's glory.' starting from today I'll show you all the natures one by one, since I'm a bearer of all the five elements I'll need to show you all of them, one daily since today I'm quite exhausted and I can only pull one nature type today." All of it was true except one thing, she could barely use all of her chakra to pull out the full extent of her jutsu. She was clearly going to use Draggoton's power.

"Alright show me one of them today. I mean right now."

"Yes." She took a step forward. Raised her hands and brought them inches away from her chest. Tangled the fingers forming various hand signs. For a second she closed her eyes before yelling
"Nature's Glory! Fiery Dance!" and opened her eyes.

The sea in front of them was soon showered with fireballs.Kakshi could also feel the heat emanating from it. Kakashi's eyes gleamed at the bright sight in front of him and soon there began forming a blurry image of a dragon which seemed to be dancing above the sea water but it didn't last long, however the shower continued until Ikada decided to cease it.

"Magnificent" kakashi remarked. He actually didn't expect a jutsu to look so appealing yet to effective.

"Thank you but it's not completed. The dragon you were faintly able to see has to come up completely and then it will be called Dragon's Fiery Dance." Ikada was panting heavily and this didn't go unnoticed by the jounin. God knows why he for a moment felt worried for her and decided to send her off without any extra training
"You may go home and rest up."

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now