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Morning came by soon and also certain someone's anxiousness. Kakashi wasn't really able to sleep properly. His thoughts didn't allow him to. All night he kept thinking about Ikada. And now as the morning approached he only wondered how was he going to leave Ikada alone.

He first tried knocking on the door before entering but surprisingly he got no answer. Ikada wasn't the one to sleep for so long. He knocked again

No reply. And that was when he decided to finally open the door himself.

She was zoning out of the window.

"Ikada" he placed a hand on her shoulder but he quickly regretted doing so.
Ikada jerked away as soon as he touched her. Her eyes were wide. Breathing was heavy.

"It's me Kakashi. Calm down Ikada."

She didn't say anything just nodded and tried to get back to normal breathing. She was clearly traumatised. It wasn't that she hated someone's touch but certain things just ignited her memories.

"Are you sure you're fine now?" He tried approaching her. But she stepped back and just nodded .

"How long are you planning to seal that mouth of yours ?"

She didn't say anything just went away towards the bathroom leaving Kakashi all bewildered and hurt. He did understand this behaviour of hers but her silence was eating him away. He wanted her to share her pain but she was keeping it all trapped. She didn't even cry out aloud to let her emotions completely out. She was just silent after yesterday's night.


During breakfast Kakashi so wanted to break the silence but he didn't know how to. Every time he said something ikada would only nod or hum in response.

It was surprising but Ikada said more like wrote in a piece of paper.

I'm going with you to this mission. Yes is the only option for your response.

After reading that Kakashi just stared at her. Somehow she had managed to hear about his conversation with tsunadae about Kakashi going to the mission alone when they discussed this at the hospital thinking ikada was still unconscious.

"I'm not at all allowing this. Moreover the Hokage won't allow this."

She just continued packing her bag.

"Ikada I'm talking to you. You're not going to this mission with me. Not after telling me what happened with you."

He tried coming infront of her only to be ignored completely.

No response.

"Fine don't answer. But you're not going with me. I'm leaving."


The moment he reached the gates of konoha was the moment he saw Ikada waiting there already.

"Why you__?!"


"Now you won't even give any expression?"

She just started walking away.

"Hey listen to me." He followed her. "Hokage doesn't allow you to this mission. Go back. Right now!"
Kakahsi almost shouted this time.

Ikada turned behind to face him. Looked him in the eyes for a long time . Kakashi also stared back in hope of getting a reply. The same bored yet serious look.

She turned away again and started walking.

Kakashi knew he couldn't really stop her. Her stubbornness was like Naruto. He gave a long sigh before following her. He just kept thinking about Tsunadae's reaction. She's gonna be super mad about this. Ahhh..

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now