I'm sorry (cries and kisses)

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All of them who watched were sobbing except Kakashi of course.

Kakashi was on his knees as he stared at the ground and kept drubbing it with his white knuckles.

Why did she have to go through all of this? Why someone so kind as her had to tolerate so much? Just why...?

Soon after the marking faded ikada started hyperventilating and shivering. She was feeling everything that everyone else saw. She dreamt everything yet again. Kakashi looked at tsunadae with questionable eyes.

"Don't worry. It's just that some of her memories appeared as nightmares to her. Just take her home. She'll be in pain when she wakes up but don't worry much. She'll be fine I assure you. " Tsunadae never looked him in the eyes. In fact she never bought her vision to any of the two.

"Thank you tsunadae sama"

he held ikada in her arms and teleported to his apartment. Yes his apartment. He didn't want to leave her alone. Not for a second after that.

He lay her on his bed and tucked her inside the blankets securely. He gave a small kiss on her forehead while his tears hit her eyes. Of course now that he was alone he couldn't defeat his emotions that were running wild.

When he pulled away he saw her squinting her eyes probably because of the sudden wetness on her eyelids. He was about to leave and hide his tears before ikada held the edge of his shirt and spoke "why are you crying sensei and why does it hurt so much?"

He only cried more after hearing her voice .

"Ika..." He took a heavy breathe before continuing..."I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Ikada."

But he wasn't looking at her. His back was offered to her vision while the knuckles on his fists were now turning white.

"Sensei look at me please." She tried sitting up only to be succoured by Kakashi who now hastily turned towards her and aided her in sitting up. "Careful..." his words slipped out.

"What's wrong sensei? And why am I in your room?" She realised while observing her surrounding.

"Everything's wrong. Everything that has happened with you is wrong. Everything that I told you was wrong. And I'm sorry for that."

He was holding her hands in his while apologizing as his drooping head lingered there.

She wiped a tear that descended towards gravity from his eyes.

"I can't see you cry. I was never angry at you. Yes I was a bit triggered with how you acted but that was all because you were lying to me."

He smiled a little and then hugged her. Hugged her as if she will leave the moment he lets her go. And then he whispered. "I'm defeated. I'm utterly defeated. How do you know me so well? Yes it was all an act. I never hated you." She soothed his back while patting a little as if he needed her more now. He was vulnerable for the first time .

He pulled away and was now looking deeply into Ikada's eyes.

"And I also know why." Said Ikada with confidence.

"Why?" Asked Kakashi as again taken in incredulity by her.

"Because of what you've been through. You thought, like your friends you would fail to protect me and loose me like them. You were scared to be loved again by someone and allow them to be close to you. You think you don't deserve love." she said as she dipped his cheeks never fearing what he might assume.

"Ika..." He brought his forehead to hers. Their breathing was heavy now.

"Sensei.." Ikada blushed at this gesture.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now