What's the truth?

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Its been two days that Ikada was at Kakashi's house.

"Ika you've a love for hoodies." Kakashi chuckled as he took a peep from his favourite book.

"I know. They're comfortable and I feel, I don't know why, safe in them?"

She said in her usual faint voice.

Kakashi just stared at her. He was a downhearted and gave a doleful look in his mind, not to mention, because it was only him there. But he understood. Understood her slowly healing grief-stricken heart. He understood where it was coming from. And could he complain? Of course not. That idea didn't even cross his mind. He was the best person to know how hard it is to forget someone. To forget a past. A beautifully ruined past. And Ikada's past? There was nothing beautiful about it.

He just stared at her face while she ate her breakfast and thought I'm glad I met you.

"It's time for your medicine."
He got up from his place now heading for a different room to rescue the medicines.

He couldn't really apprehend why she was necessitated medicines when she said she felt fine. But it was tsunadae's orders. Of course he had faith in her. She mentioned not to stop the medications half way.

"I don't want it sensei. I don't feel so good after taking it." She said with a poker face.

"These medicines are meant to heal you that's why you need them. Now don't whine. Take this."

He pushed his hand forward with the medicines and the other with a glass of water.

"Sensei I don't really feel good after taking them. You see I don't often wear hoodies at home and not to mention I can tolerate this much cold. It's not even cold tbh. But I feel cold. Idk I feel like I've been put through a freezer. I shiver all day after taking them. I don't want them."

Ikada protested again.

It all made sense to Kakashi when he felt her forehead. It was cold and atypically cold. How the fuck is someone alive with this abnormal temperature? And why am I only noticing this now?

"Ika why didn't you tell me sooner?"

His eyebrows furrowed as his aura shifted towards a more serious character.

"Cause for the first time I thought it was because of the heart thing and the Jutsu you all did on me. But the second day I felt almost well until I took the medicines. I wasn't very sure but then you were away on a mission. So I just dropped the idea."

"Dammit!" Kakashi cursed under his breathe. I should have know something is wrong. When she forced me to look into her past even when she did nothing I should've known it. But could I have stopped that from happening? But damnit! I need answers now.

And before Ikada could say something he vanished from the sight leaving behind a bewildered Ikada.

"Umm Sakura would you mind telling me something about these pills?"

He passed the packet containing small coloured palettes.

"Is that the reason you called me?"

Sakura kept her gaze on the colourful objects in her hands.

"Yeahh sort of."

He said as he rested his hands back in his pockets and the look of boredom never abandoned his countenance.

"Fine. Give me some time. This is something I rarely get to see. Gimme an hour. I'll make you a full report. "


Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now