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Ikada's point of view

So Naruto ended up catching the cat that we were appointed to retrieve back to it's owner.

"Ahem Naruto mind if I hold that cat?" She asked as she has already extended her arms to hold the cat.

"You? ummm.....oh yes right you love cats and because of that you think I'm cute. Here you go." Naruto happily passed the cat to Ikada.

"You think Naruto is cute? Well well we sure have all types of people here." Said the Jounin with amusement greedily laced in his tone.

I didn't realize I had on me all the eyes. I was smiling a little more than I ever had. Albeit it looked like a smirk I still was able to captivate attention of all the four, even Kakashi.

"Ika-chan you look so precious when you smile believe it!"

"Uh-oh is that so..."




After handing over the cat back to the owner the rest of them headed back while Kakashi went to the Hokage to submit the report of the file.

"Ikada are you also going to the Hokage. I can manage to report it all by myself. Rest easy."

Kakashi gave a closed eye smile.

"Umm, it's a different report. The Hokage asked me to do something."

That's weird. Assigning secret missions to a just passed genin thought the Jounin.

knock knock

"Come in."

"Greetings Hokagae-sama. I'm..we're here to report about the mission you appointed team seven and Ikada also has something to inform." The jounin said with his hand secured in his pocket. The same airy stance and one hand held the report which now was casually placed on the desk by Hatake.

"Oh yes Ikada, right. I hope it's done well." Hokage laced his fingers around the smoke pipe as he puffed yet another one.

"Yes Hoakage-sama, everything's made alright and managed well enough." informed the genin.

After Hatake submitted the report Ikada was asked to stay back to discuss the details.

Yes, Kakashi decided to eavesdrop instead of merely going away. He stealthily stood beside the door after closing it and making some fake footsteps away from the door leaving least traces of any doubts. Of course his sense of hearing was gracious for any typical man.

"So I hope you didn't need to use 'it's' chakra this time. You must have been pretty exhausted though."

"Fortunately I didn't need to and yes I was pretty much exhausted albeit my real clone has half of my chakra strength it exhausted all of it and I can now feel it. They were pretty happy that I helped them with their plantation and revived certain plants which they never thought could come back to existence. Also the trees are now in a better condition. The drought had deteriorated immensely. I also helped them build back their homes. They were 16 not 14 families as you had informed. And also my Sensei is currently eavesdropping on us." Ikada completed

What? How did she know? No, wonder her sensory strength is great.

A little taken aback as his stealth was exposed, the Jounin entered the room. "I'm sorry to both of you. I just got curious about my new student." Hatake excused himself as he gave his fake closed eyed smile while guiltily scratching the back of this neck.

"Ikada you may leave now. I'll send you the money."

"No, I won't feel good for receiving money for this job. It felt nice helping the nature in fact the people there. I'll be off." with that she poofed away. At this Kakashi's eye widened a bit before going back to the normal sheepish look.

"So she knows teleportation jutsu too." Inquired the Jounin.

"Yes she does. Before you start questioning...she has all the 5 elements as you know. She has this special ability to control certain phenomena of nature and that includes everything from plants to elements of nature. She recently was assigned a mission to help the families who lost a lot in the recent drought. She has a long way to go to enhance her chakra control and also with time her chakra amount will increase, but for that she has to go out of just personal training and thus I asked her to graduate. Her strength is very helpful for this village and humanity."

Informed the Hokage as his back stared Kakashi while his gaze was fixated on some random thing outside the window.

"I see. Anything else that you are hiding about her? As a teacher I need to know everything regarding her strength."

"There are a few other things. Don't worry with time you'll know about it soon. Oh right we retrieved the photos of her parents. Take a look, you might just know them albeit they're dead people now." Sarutobi passed two pics to the Jounin

"She looks a lot like her mother, but unlike her mother I have never seen her smiling this much." the Jounin noticed as he picked Ikada's Mother's pic and in process chuckling a bit.

"It must be her dad." said the jounin while addressing his attention to the next picture.

No wait. It can't be. She is this guy's daughter! Fuck. No way. "Are you sure this is her dad?" Kakashi had a hint of disappointment wrapped in his voice. It even reflected in his expression. Eyebrows furrowed and his mask hid his lips that were pressed tightly together while convulsing slightly to and fro. It almost seemed as if all his patience had faded away into a different dimension.

"Yes. Do you know them?"

"Yes, very well actually." The dark rhythms of his voice were too much to be ignored even by deaf ears but Sarutobi chose to ignore everything

"very well, you may leave.'




Kakashi's point of view.

So Ikada, you are his daughter. What should I do now? How should I deal with you? Should I take out my frustration? Or should I assume you are nothing like your dad? But why out of everyone has it to be you, my student. Darn it!!

"Fuck!! Not another nightmare. Not this one. Ikada what have you done to me. I can't forgive you even though you have nothing to do with it but I can't seem to do anything about it. Even though as a daughter you must be loving that guy I can't but hate you for being that way. For being that jerk's daughter."

The jounin had yet another nightmare. Something he hadn't visioned in several years. Something he hated the most to see in his dream. Something he was too emotional about.

It was his father in his dreams.

Is it possible for a human to truly forget and forgive the person they resent the most? Is it possible for everyone to infer about a person idiosyncratically disregarding the fact of him being connected to someone in some way who we despise? Is it really easy to be completely void of such feelings and judge a person distinctly for his doings alone? Perhaps yes, it's very much possible if we learn to control our vengeance for a human. Hate a human but don't hate someone who is a part of him because as an individual one can be different and wonderful too.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now