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Kakashi and Ikada were back in konoha.
All the way to the village Ikada pretended as if she didn't remember anything but she did remember the kiss vividly and Draggoton had just confirmed it. Draggoton was someone who won't speak unless asked or if there was something important. This simply means even if ikada was drunk she had the memories of kissing her sensei. Or let's say her sensei kissing her.

Kakashi thought that ikada had finally forgotten everything. He just relaxed a little but whenever he heard someone say lips or kiss he would eventually remember his doing and go rigid at the thought. He was a ninja taught to resist, resist emotions but here he was barely able to control his emotions so far.

Few days passed by and their interactions reduced and reduced. Kakashi always managed to find excuses to get away from ikada. Ikada didn't really understand until one day

"Sensei do you want to have ramen with me? Naruto is busy." (No Naruto wasn't busy. But he was tired after training. Ikada wasn't the one to ask people out but she felt different towards these two people. She wanted to get close to Kakashi and know him better.)

"I'm sorry Ikada. I have some work to do."

"Are you avoiding me on purpose sensei?"

Kakashi looked back as he had already begun walking away. He was taken aback by this question. He stopped in his tracks without looking at her.
She continued

"Are you avoiding me because my father was the reason that your father abandoned the mission to save him. But my father also dejected him in the end and drove him towards a path he never wanted to be. And not to mention, they were best friends."

Kakashi's eyes widened in shock. It had been so many days now that he remembered it yet again. He never thought that Ikada knew all of this and if she knew then why didn't she talk about it then and there? Why now?

"What-why I mean you knew all along ?"

"So it's the reason?" Ikada looked pained. It wasn't because it was her father who did this but it was more because it hurt Kakashi till this day.

"No--" Kakashi paused a little before answering. He thought a little. He appeared a little hesitant before answering but then said

"Yes it's all because you're that scum's daughter!" He appeared agitated. He looked at ikada. He had uplifted his headband to reveal his sharingan eye. To show the anger he held in them.

He held both of her arms and jolted her a bit. Shaking her violently and squeezing her arms at the same time he said again, more like raged
"Yes because you're his daughter. I hate you!"

"You're lying! You're lying sensei."

Kakashi stopped shaking her. His grip loosened a bit. Of course he never expected this answer. He was never before exposed this way. But why was he acting this way? Maybe because he didn't like ikada getting anymore close to him.

"I know you. Yes at first you kind of disliked me but you never hated me for who I am. You're not someone like that. You can't hate a person simply because they're related to someone they've no control over."

"How can you be so sure"?

"Because I believe I understand you a little bit. Even though you're secretive and even though I know very less about you. Even though you're being rude to me now I still deep down know and even you know that you're lying."


"Let's make it logical. You used to hate me in the beginning but what happened after that? You suddenly stopped. We got along so well. Didn't we? Didn't we do practice and missions together? Didn't you always rescue me from everything even my nightmares? Didn't you worry for me also?"

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now