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If kakashi were asked to do the most ridiculous thing he would've done it gladly to just revert his doing. The shinobi lay in his bedroom staring at the ceiling still thinking about the the whole day. Why wasn't he exactly happy ?

Let's replay

Kakashi walked through the streets as he held his book, reading the words yet thinking about something else. Draggoton was to come back today again and probably today Ikada would wake up.

He was startled the moment he felt a hand clasp his shoulder. It was Guy.

"What's the matter my rival? You seem different."

"Nothing Guy. You probably already know. It's about Ikada. Draggoton is to return today."

"Ain't this a thing for which you should be excited?"

"I'm happy but I remember him talking about adverse effects and that thing isn't leaving my mind."

"Relax Kakashi. Everything's gonna be alright. Ikada is a strong ninja."
Guy gave his famous wide grin with a thumbs up.

"I hope so..." Kakashi looked at the sky seemingly lost into oblivion

Kakashi rushed in through the hospital corridors not even caring about his fame and position. Everything was secondary to him now. What mattered was Ikada. She waking up and being fine, was just what he desired.

As he was hurtling he realised the pendant was trying to send cues to him. She's awake!

His pace became seemingly faster.

He calmed himself down as he stood before the door. He could hear sounds of laughter and one particular laughter made him anxious. Is Ikada laughing? He was so anxious and happy that it was out of his idea as to what he was exactly feeling.

He patiently bought his hand to knock. If someone were to see him now he would find Hatake completely fine and normal with the same phlegmatic demeanour. But only Kakashi knew how keyed up he was.

From inside the room came the voice of Tsunadae. "Get in."

The first thing that Kakashi witnessed, as soon he opened the door, was something he would commemorate forever afterwards.

It was Ikada smiling ever so brightly. In fact she was laughing at some preposterous witticisms made by Draggoton and Sakura.

It's better than my dreams. It's far better than how I imagined. I never thought I would actually see her smile.

He was snatched back to his realm by sakura

"oh Kakashi sensei you're here. Look how happy Ikada looks now!"

"Oh yes I can see that." Said Kakashi as he gave his iconic smile while scratching the back of his neck.

Draggoton glanced at kakashi with a certain look. A look which Kakashi quite wasn't able to lay a finger on. Was it pity? Was it assurance? Assurance about what? What was that look?

"So Vritra how huge do you actually become?!" Said ikada as she flowed her hands trying to picture a huge creature.

"She's acting different..." Said Kakashi as he stood beside Draggoton.

"You'll know ...." Said Draggoton as he kept his gaze on Ikada.

Suddenly Ikada's gaze shifted to Kakashi. Their eyes clashed for the first time after so long.

Kakashi smiled in response. Ikada's laughter obviously faded away as it now was replaced with a warm smile. But that smile was very different. Perhaps it was very new to see her smile to Hatake.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now