I'm Here

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After 5 days..

So finally Ikada was released from the hospital. Though she was told to be careful and not train however she was bored enough to not do that and on top of it she was so used to be working all the time that it almost irritated 'the always calm girl' when she was idle. She always worked for hours so she could exhaust her energy and feel somnolent out of enervating continuation of work cause she having insomnia didn't help her any better. In fact she had it because she was always scared of having nightmares but she was also aware that a human body needs rest to function well. So after laying in the hospital for almost a week and not being able to do a thing she was really irked. She had already left all of her part time jobs in order to train all the time and today she decided to do it anyway.

Ikada was now heading towards Ichiraku ramen shop. After reaching there she took a seat next to a jounin who was busy reading a book. By now even Ikada had taken out a book to read still paying no attention to who seated there. Suddenly realizing human norms and rules she bowed to her sensei "Good morning ah-I mean afternoon sensei."

"Oh so you finally noticed?"
he chuckled a bit never taking his gaze away from his book.

"Yes actually I was too absorbed in reading. Coming to think of it never did you either tell me and what book are you reading anyway?"

"Ah I was just waiting for you to realize besides what could you have done if I were an enemy." He completely ignored about the book so swiftly as if he was never questioned about it ever.

"Ah you're right. My apologies. You didn't tell about the book maybe I can also read it must be really some interesting book for you read it all the time."

"Ah this?" He swayed the book in air "Well it's not for children to read. You continue with your psychological books." he gave a closed eyed smile.

"Oh I'm almost finished with this one and besides I'm 3 years older than others in my team so technically I'm not a kid anymore." (shes  16. Just pretend the legal age is 16 in Naruto's world and besides shinobis mature very early)

"No, for me you're still a kid." he secured the book in his jacket.

"Fine, I'll let it slide away cause I admire you a lot."

"You what-" Kakashi was blushing a little taken aback by Ikada's comment. He never expected something like this to slip outta Ikada's tongue.

"Yes I admire you. you were in the anbu always working hard and now you're our sensei who almost saved my life. So there's no reason for me to not look up to you."

"Haha I'm not that great Ikada." flustered Kakashi said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Ikada had left her part time jobs by now so she was having some time with Naruto practicing their fighting skills. It was evening around 6. Both of them were panting after going one on one for 3 hours straight. Of course Ikada was stronger than Naruto at this point but she was bent upon dodging more than attacking to help enhance Naruto's skills more. It so happened that Ikada's tshirt lifted a little too more as she jumped high revealing the dragon's symbol. Of course that didn't go unnoticed by the knuckleheaded ninja. He was curious and he asked eventually. Then began Ikada's story that she told the Jounin. What Naruto didn't know was that Sasuke was eavesdropping but it was very much known to Ikada however she let him listen purposely so she could avoid such situations in future again. After Ikada was finished telling Naruto everything she realized Naruto had watery eyes.

"Sasuke you can come out now." Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise.

"If you knew I was hiding there then why did you let me hear all of it?" Sasuke said as he jumped out of the bushes.

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