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"You should wear this you know Hikari. You look so yummy to the eyes!" The man demanded, an evil grin painted on his face. He stood there hungrily looking down at Hikari while he passed her a package containing the costume he demanded her to wear.

"Hurry up and wear it soon, so that we can start." He stated to Hikari. "And you little squirt, let me teach you something new today." the man turned his cold gaze towards a fragile body laying a few meters away from Hikari, it was Ikada.

Before Ikada barely managed to open her eyes, a pair of cold gaze stared and one hand grabbed, his gaze colder than his touch. Then abruptly the other hand grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her to face him. His glare, those evil pair of eyes and that devilish grin sent shivers down Ikada's spine...

"NO! NOT AGAIN!!" Ikada jerked off from her bed. She was breathing heavily and the worst of all was that she began hyperventilating not because of the dream but perhaps what came next to the part she saw in her dreams. The part that she was able to reminisce vividly as if she were still dreaming but in fact she was fully awake but sadly she was hallucinating. She knew what happened next and it wasn't something she wished to be evoked about. She knew how fragile she was and how impuissant she felt at the moment but all she could act was stare, she being discombobulated, with wide eyes that held astounding gaze, more like held perturbation, an anxiety that accumulated as a result of nurturing the agony she felt for years but couldn't bring herself up to tell someone. A burden she chose to bear herself for a long time and it was tormenting her with each passing day. The guilt she felt, was it even guilt or there was something more to it?

She was trying to collect as much carbon dioxide as possible, greedily. She continued breathing inside a paper bag until she felt a little salvaged. Before she could go back to her thoughts she heard a knock on her door. Who could it be?

"Ika-chan?" Naruto yelled the third time.

"Oh hello Naruto. So early?" Ikada asked after opening the door to Naruto

"Ika-chan, I thought you left without me. Even though you have got an apartment next to me I couldn't help but come to you so that we can head towards the ground together. We're getting our first mission today!"

Naruto practically jumped enthusiastically .But he suddenly noticed the tensed aura that engulfed Ikada, and wasting no time further, he inquired while getting comfortable on a chair

"Are you alright? You look pale. Do you need to go the hospital?" Worry was laced in his words. His words were so genuine that Ikada barely managed to hide it again. Hide again her grief and sorrows.

"I had a nightmare. NO" she paused...."I had..had yet another nightmare. I think I'll never get used to them albeit, it's been 8 years now( she's 16 currently). Ikada manged to say these words. Words she kept away from everyone. It was the first time she shared something to someone. Yes Naruto, he was genuine and too pure of a soul. Do I deserve his friendship?

It was the first time that she told someone that in how much pain she was. But the truth is she just told a part of her agony, she never justified her nightmares making Naruto believe that those were just random dreams which were just eerie enough. Of course Naruto is one oblivious guy but his innocence is so pure that Ikada couldn't help herself but tell him honestly everything.

She leaned in a little closer to Naruto. Naruto was dozed off in some other realm at that moment and was just simply daydreaming about something too random. Naruto was just being Naruto.

He came back to realization when he felt someone on himself, a cold body with warm vibes. So warm that Naruto almost found himself at the verge of crying. It was Ikada. She hugged Naruto ever so tightly as if she wasn't in need of a hug but rather he needed it more.

"Ikada.." Naruto could barely utter her name.

He returned her hug while cascading Ikada's back assuring her that everything was going to be alright. He's going to be with her always. He needed her as much as she needed him. It was a realization for both of them. They cared for each other. It was as if they both understood each other without exchanging a word. No, it wasn't a path towards a romantic relationship. It was friendship. Something very precious because it's the only relationship a person designs himself after he is born. All other relationships like mother, father, uncle, aunt etc are already destined the moment one is born. They were in bliss. Yes it was too soon. But isn't it how people make friends? The vibe of assurance? Assurance, that they'll never leave you to cry alone. That they'll always be there to provide a shoulder when in need.

"Everything's going to be alright Ikada. I'm here with you always." Naruto said in a genuine tone while smiling solemnly.

Ikada got away from Naruto and gave a faint yet artless smile. "let me change up so that we can go. And I know you must be hungry. Make yourself comfortable and grab some instant Ramen from the kitchen. Kimchi is in the refrigerator(I know I put something Korean. sorry lol) If you need anything else you can get it without hesitation."

Ikada said while moving dragging herself towards the room and closing the door.

"Thank you Ikada. You are the best human believe it!" Naruto yelled.

Without wasting a moment Naruto got busy into devouring the consumables. He also found some chocolates in the refrigerator. He hesitated thinking it would be too greedy of him to take them. At that moment Ikada came into the kitchen to get her breakfast and saw Naruto in complete drooling state while submerged in deep thoughts. She knew what he was looking at.

"If you want that you can have it. Remember I told you? Anything. And besides you should't keep it open for that long. It's not good." Ikada told Naruto as she approached him.

"Umm..thank you Ikada. You are so nice. I never knew that you would be so nice yet lonely and sad." Naruto said with a tint of sadness as his gaze descended towards the floor.

"You needn't get so worked up Naruto. You can come here anytime you want if you ever feel sad or think I'm sad."

Ikada said with a faint smile. Truth be told, albeit her smile was really faint that it didn't even look like a smirk but never in her life has she smiled infront of the same person more than once or twice. It was Naruto who made her a little relieved as if he salvaged her from her miseries for a few moments.

Naruto nodded in response and continued savoring his happiness.

'Do I really deserve such a nice person? Do I deserve this friendship?'

After finishing their breakfast they headed for their 1st mission..

Maybe I do deserve a little happiness after all if not me, at least he can forgive me for my past...

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now